Union Construction

Oakland CA

Most recent update: August 25, 2021.

Union Construction Company was organized in 1918 to build cargo ships for the USSB. The site was between Bataan and Chunking Streets in what is now the Oakland Army Base.

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USSB # O/N Name Customer Type GT Delivered Notes
1 1461 218764 Hatchie USSB freighter 5,989 Aug 1919 scrapped 1930
2 1462 218977 Hathaway USSB freighter 5,991 Sep 1919 scrapped 1930
3 1463 219539 City of Berkeley USSB freighter 6,039 Jan 1920 scrapped 1930
4 1464 219725 Havilah USSB freighter 6,045 Mar 1920 scrapped 1929
5 1465 219924 Hawarden USSB freighter 6,042 Apr 1920 scrapped 1930
6 1466 220088 Haxtum USSB freighter 6,041 May 1920 scrapped 1930
7 1467 220255 Hayden USSB freighter 6,042 2un-20 scrapped 1930
8 1468 220411 Haymon USSB freighter 6,042 July 1920 scrapped 1930
9 1469 220502 Haynie USSB freighter 6,037 Aug 1920 scrapped 1929
10 1470 220651 Heber USSB freighter 6,041 Oct 1920 scrapped 1929
11 220856 Charlie Watson Standard Oil of Cal. tanker 1,769 Nov 1920 later Zephyr 1940, scrapped 1948
12 221073 Liebre Socony-Vacuum Oil tanker 7,057 Feb 1921 later Meredosia 1945, Liebre 1946, scrapped 1947
14 221169 R. J. Hanna Standard Oil of Cal. tanker 7,095 Apr 1921 later Bahrain 1935, scrapped 1953
15 146054 Acardo Anglo-Saxon Pet. Co. tanker 5,767 June 1921 first Shell tanker not built in Britain, scrapped 1936
16 WPG-48 Tampa (WPG-48) USCG gunboat 1,955 15 Sep 1921 sold 1947 as Rigil Kent, scrapped 1951
17 WPG-45 Haida (WPG-45) USCG gunboat 1,955 26 Oct 1921 sold 1948
18 WPG-47 Mojave (WPG-47) USCG gunboat 1,955 12 Dec 1921 sold 1948
19 WPG-46 Modoc (WPG-46) USCG gunboat 1,955 14 Jan 1922 sold 1948 as Amelia V, Machala 1950, scrapped 1964
20 WAT-54 Shawnee (WAT-54) USCG tugboat 900 8 Mar 1922 sold 1947
21 151432 Achatina Anglo-Saxon Pet. Co. tanker 5,833 July 1921 scrapped 1936
22 146159 Ampullaria Anglo-Saxon Pet. Co. tanker 5,857 Aug 1921 scrapped 1935
23 146196 Amalthus Anglo-Saxon Pet. Co. tanker 5,834 Sep 1921 scrapped 1936
24 174887 Martinez Shell Oil Co. tanker 1,052 Jan 1923 later S.O. Co. No. 15
25 Frank M. Shallue Western Dredging dredge 1923 completed by Paceco
26 169098 C. No. 1 Claude Cummings barge 605 1923 scrapped 1963

Printed from shipbuildinghistory.njscuba.net