Container and Ro-Ro Ships Built in U.S. Shipyards With Subsidy - For Foreign Trade

Before the termination of CDS in 1982, 31 containerships and 13 roll-on/roll-off ships had been built in U.S. shipyards. Of these 44 ships, 17 have since been scrapped, 12 have been converted to naval auxiliaries, one was wrecked and the remaining 14 have been redeployed in the domestic trades.

Year Name Customer Builder O/N MA # MA Design GT DWT Price ($M) Notes
1968 American Lancer U.S. Lines Sun 640 514261 184 C7-S-68c 18,764 22,225 12.2 Humacao 1988, scrapped 2002
1968 American Legion U.S. Lines Sun 641 515155 185 C7-S-68c 18,764 22,138 12.2 Sea-Land Legion 1987, Sea-Land Challenger 1988, CSX Challenger 2000, Horizon Challenger 2003, scrapped 2014
1968 American Liberty U.S. Lines Sun 642 516464 186 C7-S-68d 18,876 21,665 12.2 Sea-Land Liberty 1987, Sea-Land Discovery 1988, CSX Discovery 2000, Horizon Discovery 2003, scrapped 2014
1968 American Lynx U.S. Lines Sun 643 517450 187 C7-S-68d 18,876 21,665 12.2 Mayaguez 1988, scrapped 2004
1969 American Lark U.S. Lines Sun 644 518444 188 C7-S-68d 18,876 20,574 12.2 Sea-Land Lark 1987, Sea-Land Crusader 1988, CSX Crusader 2000, Horizon Crusader 2003, scrapped 2010
1969 Sea Witch American Export Bath 354 205 C5-S-73b 17,900 16,280 13.4 CTL-1974, stern of Chemical Pioneer
1969 Lightning American Export Bath 355 518063 206 C5-S-73b 17,900 16,280 13.4 Flickertail State (T-ACS 5) 1988
1970 Staghound American Export Bath 356 520743 207 C5-S-73b 17,900 16,280 13.4 Cornhusker State (T-ACS 6) 1988
1969 American Astronaut U.S. Lines Sun 649 520694 240 C7-S-68e 18,876 20,574 16.2 Guayuma 1988, scrapped 2002
1972 Austral Envoy Farrell Lines Ingalls 1180 541868 244 C6-S-85a 18,600 20,000 20.5 American Envoy 1981, Sea-Land Envoy 1987, Sea-Land Navigator 1988, CSX Navigator 2000, Horizon Navigator 2003, laid up 2015
1973 Austral Ensign Farrell Lines Ingalls 1181 544303 245 C6-S-85a 18,600 20,000 20.5 American Marketer 1981, Sea-Land Marketer 1987, Sea-Land Expedition 1988, CSX Expedition 2000, Horizon Expedition 2003, laid up 2015
1973 Austral Endurance Farrell Lines Ingalls 1182 547288 246 C6-S-85a 18,600 20,000 20.5 American Endurance 1981, Sea-Land Endurance 1987, Sea-Land Hawaii 1988, CSX Hawaii 2000, Horizon Hawaii 2003, laid up 2015
1972 Austral Entente Farrell Lines Ingalls 1183 552706 247 C6-S-85a 18,600 20,000 20.5 American Entente 1981, Sea-Land Entente 1987, Sea-Land Trader 1988, CSX Trader 2000, Horizon Trader 2003, laid up 2015
1973 President Jefferson American President Lines Ingalls 1184 544900 248 C6-S-85b 21,500 18,500 21.9 scrapped 1998
1973 President Madison American President Lines Ingalls 1185 546725 249 C6-S-85b 21,500 18,500 21.9 Howell Lykes 1992, scrapped 1999
1973 President Pierce American President Lines Ingalls 1186 552108 250 C6-S-85b 21,500 18,500 21.9 Jean Lykes 1992, scrapped 1999
1970 American Apollo U.S. Lines Sun 654 529004 251 C7-S-68e 18,876 20,514 17.6 scrapped 2002
1971 American Aquarius U.S. Lines Sun 655 530999 252 C7-S-68e 18,875 20,480 17.6 scrapped 2002
1973 Australia Bear Pacific Far East Line Bethlehem 4639 552518 253 C7-S-88a 23,763 26,600 25.2 Sea-Land Consumer 1974, CSX Consumer 2000, Horizon Consumer 2003, laid up 2015
1974 New Zealand Bear Pacific Far East Line Bethlehem 4640 552819 254 C7-S-88a 23,763 26,600 25.2 Sea-Land Producer 1974, CSX Producer 2000, Horizon Producer 2003, laid up 2015
1974 President Johnson American President Lines Ingalls 1187 552109 255 C6-S-85b 21,500 18,500 21.9 Thompson Lykes 1992, scrapped 1999
1972 Export Freedom American Export Bath 357 541414 256 C5-S-73b 17,900 16,280 17.0 scrapped 1998
1973 Export Leader American Export Bath 358 545126 257 C5-S-73b 17,900 16,280 17.0 Gopher State (T-ACS 4) 1988
1973 Export Patriot American Export Bath 359 548442 258 C5-S-73b 17,900 16,280 17.0 scrapped 1998
1979 Austral Pioneer Farrell Lines Bethlehem 4650 612085 321 C8-S-85d 31,430 27,340 78.3 American Pioneer 1983, Sea-Land Pacific 1987, CSX Pacific 2000, Horizon Pacific 2003, Pacific 2015
1980 Austral Puritan Farrell Lines Bethlehem 4651 623168 322 C8-S-85d 31,430 27,340 78.3 American Puritan 1983, Sea-Land Enterprise 1987, CSX Enterprise 2000, Horizon Enterprise 2003, Enterprise 2015
1979 Argonaut U.S. Lines Bath 400 601377 325 C5-S-73b 17,600 16,300 43.1 scrapped 2004
1980 Resolute U.S. Lines Bath 401 612715 326 C5-S-73b 17,600 16,300 43.1 scrapped 2001
1982 President Washington American President Line Avondale 2329 651627 348 C9-M-132b 40,400 32,800 90.0 Manoa 1996
1983 President Lincoln American President Line Avondale 2330 653424 349 C9-M-132b 40,400 32,800 90.0 Mahimahi 1996
1983 President Monroe American President Line Avondale 2331 655397 350 C9-M-132b 40,400 32,800 90.0 Mokihana1996
Ro-Ro Ships
1958 Comet U.S. Maritime Admin. Sun 601 42 C3-ST-14a 13,800 10,300 Comet (T-AKR 7) 1975
1967 Sea Lift US Navy Lockheed 124 167 C4-ST-67a 16,500 12,500 16.2 Meteor (T-AKR 9) 1975
1969 Mormacsea Moore-McCormack Lines Ingalls 1157 519102 221 C5-S-78a 11,750 16,000 15.9 Defiance 1970, American Rover 1982, Rover 1984, scrapped 1993
1968 Mormacsky Moore-McCormack Lines Ingalls 1158 521302 222 C5-S-78a 11,750 16,000 15.9 Great Republic 1970, Curtiss (T-AVB 4) 1986
1969 Mormacstar Moore-McCormack Lines Ingalls 1159 522650 223 C5-S-78a 11,750 16,000 15.9 Red Jacket 1970, American Rapid 1982, Rapid 1984, Cape Nome (T-AKR 1014) 1988
1970 Mormacsun Moore-McCormack Lines Ingalls 1160 524416 224 C5-S-78a 11,750 16,000 15.9 Young America 1970, Wright (T-AVB 3) 1986
1976 Maine States Line Bath 366 569400 279 C7-S-95a 15,000 14,500 38.0 Tyson Lykes 1979, Cape Inscription (T-AKR 5076) 1986
1976 Arizona States Line Bath 367 573093 280 C7-S-95a 15,000 14,500 38.0 Lipscomb Lykes 1979, Jupiter 1980, Cape Intrepid (T-AKR 11) 1986
1976 Nevada States Line Bath 368 577636 281 C7-S-95a 15,000 14,500 38.0 Charles Lykes 1979, Cape Isabel (T-AKR 5062) 1986
1977 Illinois States Line Bath 369 581745 295 C7-S-95a 15,000 14,500 38.0 Mercury 1980, Cape Island (T-AKR 10) 1986
1979 America Am. Atlantic Shipping Equitable 1715 610290 332 C1-M-122a 6,660 9.9 Island Hope 1986, Island Enterprise 1990
1980 Amazonia Am. Atlantic Shipping Equitable 1716 622178 333 C1-M-122a 6,660 9.9 Rainbow Hope 1984, Juno 1999, Geysir 2000
1980 Antillia Am. Atlantic Shipping Equitable 1717 627433 334 C1-M-122a 6,660 9.9 Island Mariana 1986, Liberty 1988, Stellar Sea 1992, R. M. Thorstenson 2009

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