Robert Jacob Shipyard

City Island NY

This shipyard was established in the 1850s by George W. Horton, who sold it in 1860 to David Carll. It was bought by Henry Piepgras in 1886 and then by Robert Jacob in 1900. It built subchasers in WWI and returned to yachtbuilding in the period between the wars. In 1946 it was sold to Consolidated Shipbuilding, who moved to City Island and closed their yard in Morris Heights. Consolidated closed in 1958 and sold the yard to Wesley Rodstrom as a yacht repair yard. It is still there, operating as Consolidated Yacht Yard.

1000 ft
2000 ft
O/N Name Customer Type GT LOA Delivered Notes
Built by David Carll Shipyard
Bell James Sackett sloop 37 1859
Ellen Francis Stephen D. Barnes oyster sloop 65 1864
M. W. Griffin F. W. Ayer schooner 110 1865
Vesta Pierre Lorillard schooner 123 1866
90372 Magic schooner 76 1870
Resolute A. S. Hatch schooner 114 1871
Potosi Brugiere & Thebaud schooner 142 1871
yacht 105 1871
75629 John B. Hegeman John B. Hegeman oyster schooner 62 1872
William H. Van Name Van Name Bros. oyster schooner 105 1872
John K. Shaw A. S. Hatch schooner 158 1872
Ida Palmer schooner 100 1873
Atalanta William B. Astor yacht 100 1873
Reindeer W. N. Howard schooner 107 1873
sloop 44 1873
William Douglas William Douglas schooner 110 1874
LV-39 Vineyard Sound USCG lightship 387 1875 sank under tow 1975
Stephen D. Barnes Stephen D. Barnes oyster schooner 97 1875
6920 David Carll Van Name Bros. oyster schooner 103 1876 later Black Bird
Adelaide J. Alcott Charles Alcott schooner 165 1876
Ambassadress William B. Astor schooner 146 1877
Robert H. Felter schooner 72 1877
William H. Bailey George Bailey schooner 165 1878
U.S. Government steam yacht 69 1878
Marion L. Curtis schooner 53 1879
91229 Mary G. Beattie J. Beattie oyster schooner 79 1880
Seven Brothers Duryea Starch Co. schooner 85 1880
Samuel S. Thorp George Bailey schooner 170 1881
Phebe Frank Burrett sloop 44 1882
Ruth Edward P. Coe sloop 40 1882
106139 Abenwill passenger 35 1882
Anna B. Hutchinson D. Zeuluff schooner 134 1883
Mollie J. Saunders G. H. Wilson schooner 167 1883
Sue Williams J. A. Curtis schooner 183 1883
M. Ritch steamer 75 1884
Nirvana E. Brown schooner 82 1884
Addie and Carrie Port Chester Transportation barge 102 1884
Emma C. Titus schooner 74 1885
David Carll Sandy Hook Pilots pilot boat 88 1885 collision and sank 1893
Built by Piepgras & Company
Titania C. Oliver Iselin sloop 82 1887
14473 Katrina E. S. Auchincloss schooner 91 1888
136011 Elbridge T. Gerry schooner 78 1888 later Kwasind
120730 Floss steamer 55 1888 later Aeolius
3401 Bo Peep E. H. Weatherbee launch 65 1888
Montecito Wm. M. Tompkins yawl 68 1889
Quickstep Frederick Grinnell schooner 83 1889
Tomahawk E. D. Morgan sloop 56 1889
126571 Constellation E. D. Morgan schooner 124 1889
Moccasin E. D. Morgan sloop 50 1890
Connetquot W. K. Vanderbilt paddlewheeler 78 1890
137287 Evelyn J. R. Haggeman yacht 83 1891 to USACE as Mary Lily, Mercur
Lasca John Brooks schooner 119 1892
Isabel Medford Runyan sloop 29 1894
Susie Henry Piepgras sloop 37 1894
Henry Piepgras sloop 35 1897
Walre A. Wendell Jackson sloop 38 1898
Ellida Austin F. Riggs yawl 43 1900
Built by Robert Jacob
Alice A. Mack sloop 24 1901
Arizona George A. Corry sloop 24 1901
Bab W. F. Morgan sloop 24 1901
Fire Fly Sir Guy Standing sloop 24 1901
Lambkin Stephen W. Roach sloop 24 1901
Mist James W. Alker sloop 24 1901
Chipmunk sloop 23 1901
Robert Jacob SY launch 30 1901
Ben Carpenter sloop 38 1901
Lotus Greier Hersh yawl 38 1901
Senta Otto E. Lohrke sloop 42 1901
Tern John Hyslop yawl 48 1901
Piccina W. Hubbard sloop 25 1901
Bubble E. H. Weatherbee sloop 43 1901
Twinkle E. H. Weatherbee launch 61 1901
Foggy Dew sloop 24 1902
Viper II Mr. Hennen sloop 24 1902
M. B. O. D. H. L. Quick sloop 24 1902
Pup Thomas Ratsey sloop 24 1902
W. S. Wheaton catboat 18 1902
Marjorie F. L. St. John schooner 89 1902
Tempest J. C. Ayer yawl 42 1903
Crusader II S. L. Husted, Jr. schooner 98 1903
200287 Elgrudor Spencer Kellog schooner 128 1903
Bantam H. Carpenter sloop 25 1903
Miss Swift Robert Jacob launch 40 1903
Fiji J. M. Gibbons launch 57 1904
Catch Me James E. Martin launch 40 1904
Mercedes VI W. K. Vanderbilt launch 40 1904
Sybarita II W. G. Brokaw launch 65 1904
Hard Boiled Egg Robert Jacob Inc. launch 40 1904 later Bison
Hobo J. Insley Blair launch 57 1904
Venona Chester Bliss schooner 65 1905
Gertrude II G. W. Butts yacht 37 1905
Columbine C. D. Freeman launch 46 1905
Pinkie VI A. Pinkerton sloop 51 1905 later Marila
Dreamer Charles Lee yacht 59 1905
Witoco W. T. Colbrun schooner 84 1905 later Agawam and Arawan
Cherry Circle sloop 36 1906
Fern F. Perkins yacht 59 1906
Dreamer III Charles Lee yacht 61 1906
Gertrude III G. W. Butts yacht 71 1906
Russara J. S. Bonner yacht (+ 2 boats) 74 1906
Huntress Fred Chesbrough ketch (+ 2 boats) 88 1906
Effort F. M. Smith sloop 93 1906
Sieglande George B. Hopkins yawl 94 1906 later Scotia and Mae
Winchester Peter W. Rouss yacht (+ 2 boats) 141 1907
Windward John M. Goetchis yawl 93 1907
Cavalier C. E. Proctor yacht (+ 4 boats) 135 1907
Hoyden Don Abbott sloop 33 1908
Chaperon J. G. O'Rourke sloop 39 1908
Cara II G. L. Fitzwilliams yacht 45 1908
P. G. C. Prospect Gun Club launch 47 1908
I. A. C. sloop 36 1908 later Susan II
F. Max Huber launch 35 1909
Odysseus II John H. Hammond sloop 60 1909
Queen Mab John Buchan yacht 54 1909
Sunbeam A. J. McIntosh launch 51 1909
206447 Elmasada Daniel Good yacht 75 1909 to USLHS as Cosmos (WAGL)
yacht 60 1909
Althea J. W. Alker sloop 28 1909
Ardette Clarence Cowl sloop 28 1909
Kit J. F. ORourke sloop 28 1909
Mahaska W. Butler Duncan sloop 28 1909
Scylla E. A. Siercke sloop 28 1909
J. Rogers Maxwell, Jr. sloop 29 1909
H. L. Maxwell sloop 29 1909
Howard C. Smith sloop 29 1909
Howard F. Whitney sloop 29 1909
F. L. Hine sloop 29 1909
H. W. Brucknell sloop 29 1909
Irving Cox sloop 29 1909
Parker D. Handy sloop 29 1909
H. N. Adam sloop 29 1909
A. D. Prince sloop 29 1909
sloop 29 1909
sloop 29 1909
Esperenza Horace Havemeyer sloop 33 1909
Harry B. Hollins, Jr. sloop 33 1909
Aymar Johnson sloop 33 1909
Orme Wilson, Jr. sloop 33 1909
Bonnie Doon Lewis Gibb sloop 33 1909
Allan Pinkerton sloop 33 1909
R. B. Potts sloop 33 1909
E. F. Hutton sloop 33 1909
W. R. Simons sloop 33 1909
Widojua John H. Dick sloop 33 1909
Grosveanor Nichols sloop 33 1909
C. A. Van Renselaer sloop 33 1909
F. E. Ballard sloop 33 1909
208306 Josephine launch 32 1910 later Viola
207862 Ranger Thomas Slocum yacht (+ 4 boats) 145 1910 to USN as PY, to C&GS
207487 Irene II Axel Peacock yacht (+ launch) 122 1910
Bantam J. H. Carpenter sloop 25 1910
Intruder Frederick Burnham launch 40 1910
Babette G. Rex Showall sloop 34 1910
Barbara Cornelious Shields sloop 34 1910
Como I. R. Emands sloop 34 1910
Ebar sloop 34 1910
Festina A. Bryan Alley sloop 34 1910
Hamburg II M. Goldschmidt sloop 34 1910
La Cygne sloop 34 1910
Lewanna Louis G. Spence sloop 34 1910
Salas Manuel B. Pendas sloop 34 1910
Snapper sloop 34 1910
Triton Lawrence Darr sloop 34 1910
Wild Thyme A. H. Morris sloop 34 1910
Yukon Norman Weir sloop 34 1910
Bella sloop 34 1910
June Bug S. S. and R. P. Breeze speedboat 14 1911
Josephine William Shearson yacht (+ 3 boats) 138 1911
210297 Patchogue ferry (+ 2 boats) 105 1912 to USN 1917 as YFB-1227, sold 1922
Resolute G. A. Cormack launch 36 1913 to USN as SP-3003
Josephine F. Sample yacht 48 1913
Torbatross John Harvey yawl 67 1913
Ahmakola Irving Raymond schooner 62 1913
Hopewell Edward Corning schooner 62 1913
Lehua Howard C. Smith schooner 62 1913
Whileaway C. W. Wetmore schooner 62 1913
Elemah C. K. G. Billings schooner 62 1913
Chippewa schooner 62 1913
212423 Caroline Edward Ford yacht (+ 5 boats) 188 1914 later Delphine, Stellaris, Sylph II, Lash, Nisyros, deleted 1986
Sundog R. Marzello cutter 27 1915
Josephine George E. Edwards launch 32 1915
Dana power cruiser 39 1915
213128 Paragon R. J. Davol yacht (+ 4 boats) 120 1915 later Sybilla III, SP-104, Arlis, PC-454, Impetuous (PYc-46), sold 1945
214675 Aramis Arthur Marks yacht (+ 4 boats) 157 1916
Picador cruiser 32 1916
Boomerang II Houston Wyeth cruiser 54 1916
Hopestill Irving Raymond yacht 89 1916
Celeritas David Goodrich commuter 61 1916
My Home Robert Jacob, Jr. cruiser 38 1917
SC-313 US Navy subchaser 110 5 Oct 2018 to France as C-45
SC-314 US Navy subchaser 110 22 Dec 2017 to France as C-27
SC-315 US Navy subchaser 110 1 Nov 2017 to France as C-19
SC-316 US Navy subchaser 110 1 Nov 2017 to France as C-20
SC-317 US Navy subchaser 110 1 Nov 2017 to France as C-21
US Navy patrol boat 1917
Monon William Hayward cruiser 54 1917
Sinco H. F. Sinclair cruiser 55 1917
YCV-31 US Navy seaplane barge 66 1918 later YF-133
YCV-32 US Navy seaplane barge 66 1918
YCV-33 US Navy seaplane barge 66 1918
YCV-34 US Navy seaplane barge 66 1918 later YF-135
YT-66 US Navy harbor tugboat 88 1918
YT-67 US Navy harbor tugboat 88 1918
YT-68 US Navy harbor tugboat 88 1918
226035 YT-69 US Navy harbor tugboat 88 1918 to NYC as No. 69
YT-70 US Navy harbor tugboat 88 1918
Briny US Navy houseboat 58 1919
Cigarette L. Gordon Hamersley yacht 55 1919
Squall H. Schiefelin Sayers ketch 36 1920
221459 Nourmahal Vincent Astor yacht 161 1921 +5 boats
Symphonia Charles Ringling yacht 120 1922 being restored in Gulf Breeze FL
Zephyr Sir Guy Standing sloop 33 1922
Ace Adrian Iselin II sloop 30 1922
Lea J. F. Benningham sloop 31 1922
223005 Sequoia A. E. Wheeler yawl 45 1923
Intrepid III Warren Somers yacht 57 1923
Mary Rose Harold Brooks schooner 63 1923 later Peggy, Pemaro, Courageous
223281 L'Aiglon E. Robinette yacht 63 1923 later Katharine II
223617 Sealove John W. Bird schooner 55 1924
Myrchajr cruiser 39 1924
Marjorie II Henry R. Burt cruiser 40 1924
Marlyn II cruiser 40 1924
Katherine II Henry Dalton yacht 65 1924
223840 Waleda Walter Lippencott yacht 66 1924 later Don Carlos, Tara II
Zephyr sloop 31 1925
Chaperon Robert Jacob, Sr. power boat 40 1925
Countess L. Gordon Hamersley schooner 56 1925
Marybelle II A. Fergesen yacht 50 1925
224758 Centaur yacht 50 1925 later Sea Wolf
Utilitie Robert Todd launch 50 1926
226020 My Toy H. R. Kunhardt schooner 55 1926 later Pinabel, Poseidon
225724 Aaronella Charles M. Parker yacht 75 1926
Miss Frolic Walter P. Chrysler speedboat 30 1926
226483 Saramar II Charles F. Fisher yacht 106 1927
Oh-Kay R. F. Haffenreffer yacht 47 1927
Fantasy yacht 100 1927 to USN 1942 as YP-556, sold 1946
Glenmar yacht 1928 to USN 1942 as YP-545, sold 1946
227289 Laura M IV Lawrence P. Fisher yacht 106 1928
227290 Margaret F III W. A. Fisher yacht 106 1928
President Wilson City of New Rochelle police boat 40 1929
228448 Colmena Jules Bache yacht 112 1929
229364 Audlee M. H. Weeks yacht 62 1930
Conewego A. B. Eastwood sloop 50 1930
231618 Sonny Albert Phelps schooner 49 1932 + 1 boat
Yarra Anton Bruehl ketch 51 1934
Nordlys Chester Bowles schooner 71 1935
234379 Sonny Albert Phelps sloop 53 1935 later Astrea, Akka
Freelance cutter 39 1935
235132 Bambino L. Gordon Hamersley tender 44 1936 later Excell, Ben Gunn
Red Head Adrian Iselin II yawl 59 1936
Cudacatcher Rowe B. Metcalfe sport fishing 59 1937
Arabella Elihu Root aux. ketch 46 1937
Trade Wind W. L. Gilmore ketch 62 1938 to USN 1942 as YP-392, sold 1946 as Marigold, Trade Wind, Tsunami
Chaperon Robert Jacob, Jr. cutter 36 1939 later Luau
Trouper C. A. Tilt yacht 107 1939 to USN 1940 as PC-457, sank 1941
238574 Clemencia Floyd C. Noble yawl 60 1939 later Adios
Haida Max Fleischman yacht 127 1940
City of New York police boat 50 1940
YTL-154 US Navy tugboat 66 1941 to France 1945
YTL-155 US Navy tugboat 66 1941 to Turkey 1957
YTL-156 US Navy tugboat 66 1941 sold 1947
YTL-157 US Navy tugboat 66 1941 to France 1945
YTL-158 US Navy tugboat 66 1941 to France 1945
YTL-159 US Navy tugboat 66 1941 sold 1947 as Chris Foss
YTL-206 US Navy tugboat 66 1942 to Vietnam 1956
YTL-207 US Navy tugboat 66 1942 to France 1945
YTL-208 US Navy tugboat 66 1942 to France 1945
YTL-209 US Navy tugboat 66 1942 to France 1945
YTL-210 US Navy tugboat 66 1942 to France 1945
YTL-211 US Navy tugboat 66 1942 to Paraguay 1965
YTL-212 US Navy tugboat 66 1942 to France 1945
YMS-38 US Navy minesweeper 3 Apr 1942 to the USSR 1945 as T-581, scrapped 1956
YMS-39 US Navy minesweeper 7 Mar 1942 mined off Borneo and lost 1945
YMS-40 US Navy minesweeper 23 Apr 1942 struck 1946
YMS-41 US Navy minesweeper 12 May 1942 struck 1946
BPT-37 US Navy torpedo boat 70 Feb 1943 to Britain 1943 as MTB-295
BPT-38 US Navy torpedo boat 70 Mar 1943 to Britain 1943 as MTB-296
BPT-39 US Navy torpedo boat 70 Feb 1943 to Britain 1943 as MTB-297
BPT-40 US Navy torpedo boat 70 Mar 1943 to Britain 1943 as MTB-298
BPT-41 US Navy torpedo boat 70 Mar 1943 to Britain 1943 as MTB-299
BPT-42 US Navy torpedo boat 70 Apr 1943 to Britain 1943 as MTB-300
YT-236 US Navy tugboat 66 1943 sold foreign 1946
YT-237 US Navy tugboat 66 1943 sold foreign 1946
YT-244 US Navy tugboat 66 1943 to Japan 1956
YT-245 US Navy tugboat 66 1943 to Vietnam 1956
YT-246 US Navy tugboat 66 1943
YMS 207 US Navy minesweeper 18 Jan 1943 to Britain 1943 as BYMS-2207, to France 1944 as Petunia (D-354), scrapped 1963
YMS-208 US Navy minesweeper 20 Feb 1943 to Britain 1943 as BYMS-2208, to France 1944 as Genet (D-355), scrapped 1963
YMS-209 US Navy minesweeper 24 Mar 1943 to Britain 1943 as BYMS-2209, to Greece 1946 as Zakynthos, struck 1973
YMS-210 US Navy minesweeper 19 Apr 1943 to Britain 1943 as BYMS-2210, to the Netherlands 1946 as Borndiep (A-905), struck 1962
YMS-211 US Navy minesweeper 17 May 1943 to Britain 1943 as BYMS-2211, to Poland 1948 as Delfin, wrecked 1957
YMS-212 US Navy minesweeper 29 May 1943 to Britain 1943 as BYMS-2212, to Egypt 1949 as Kordofan, hulked 1968
YMS-213 US Navy minesweeper 17 Jun 1943 to Britain 1943 as BYMS-2213, to Germany 1960 as Adolf Bestelmyer
YMS-214 US Navy minesweeper 2 Jul 1943 to Britain 1943 as BYMS-2214, struck 1946
YMS-215 US Navy minesweeper 22 Jul 1943 reclassified 1947 as Crow (AMS-7) , struck 1959
YMS-358 US Navy minesweeper 6 Aug 1943 to South Korea 1947 as Kyong Chu, scrapped 1962
YMS-359 US Navy minesweeper 20 Aug 1943 sold 1947, sunk in Lake Union
YMS-360 US Navy minesweeper 3 Sep 1943 struck 1946
YMS-361 US Navy minesweeper 17 Sep 1943 struck 1946
YMS-362 US Navy minesweeper 30 Sep 1943 reclassified 1947 as Hawk (AMS-17), struck 1957
C-25465 US Navy torpedo boat 1943 prototype, semi-submersible design
PCS-1388 US Navy subchaser 10 Jan 1944 later Littlehales (AGS-7), sold 1950, fishing vessel John-O
PCS-1389 US Navy subchaser 10 Jan 1944 sold 1947
PCS-1390 US Navy subchaser 3 Feb 1944 damaged by gunfire 6-Apr-45 off Okinawa and scuttled
PCS-1391 US Navy subchaser 27 Feb 1944 sold 1948
PCS-1392 US Navy subchaser 27 Mar 1944 later Deming 1956
PCS-1393/YMS-446 US Navy minesweeper 8 Jun 1944 reclassified 1947 as Sanderling (AMS-35), struck 1959
PCS-1394/YMS-447 US Navy minesweeper 28 Jun 1944 to the USSR 1945 as T 181, scrapped 1954
PCS-1395/YMS-448 US Navy minesweeper 25 Jul 1944 to the USSR 1945 as T 182, scrapped 1954
PCS-1396 US Navy subchaser 29 Mar 1944 later Dutton (AGS-8), sold 1950
YMS-438 US Navy minesweeper 25 Oct 1944 sold 1947
YMS-439 US Navy minesweeper 18 Nov 1944 sold 1947 as La Ciencia, still afloat in Seattle WA
YMS-440 US Navy minesweeper 29 Dec 1944 sold 1947
YMS-441 US Navy minesweeper 20 Feb 1945 reclassified 1947 as Pelican (AMS-32), sold 1955 as Ogishima
PT-385 US Navy torpedo boat 70 May 1944 to Britain 1944 as MTB-397, to Egypt 1947
PT-386 US Navy torpedo boat 70 May 1944 to Britain 1944 as MTB-398
PT-387 US Navy torpedo boat 70 June 1944 to Britain 1944 as MTB-399, to Egypt 1947
PT-388 US Navy torpedo boat 70 June 1944 to Britain 1944 as MTB-400
PT-389 US Navy torpedo boat 70 July 1944 to Britain 1944 as MTB-401
PT-390 US Navy torpedo boat 70 June 1944 to Britain 1944 as MTB-402
PT-391 US Navy torpedo boat 70 July 1944 to Britain 1944 as MTB-403
PT-392 US Navy torpedo boat 70 July 1944 to Britain 1944 as MTB-404
PT-393 US Navy torpedo boat 70 Aug 1944 to Britain 1944 as MTB-405
PT-394 US Navy torpedo boat 70 Aug 1944 to Britain 1944 as MTB-406
PT-395 US Navy torpedo boat 70 Aug 1944 to Britain 1944 as MTB-407, to US Army 1946
PT-396 US Navy torpedo boat 70 Sep 1944 to Britain 1944 as MTB-408
PT-397 US Navy torpedo boat 70 Oct 1944 to Britain 1944 as MTB-409
PT-398 US Navy torpedo boat 70 Oct 1944 to Britain 1944 as MTB-410
PT-399 US Navy torpedo boat 70 Oct 1944 to Britain 1944 as MTB-411
YT-438 US Navy tugboat 66 1944 struck 1985
YT-439 US Navy tugboat 66 1944 struck 1985
YT-440 US Navy tugboat 66 1945 struck 1974, Mohawk
YT-441 US Navy tugboat 66 1945 to Argentina 1969
YT-442 US Navy tugboat 66 1945 struck 1985
YT-443 US Navy tugboat 66 1945 to Argentina 1965
YT-444 US Navy tugboat 66 1945 to Argentina 1965
YTL-600 US Navy tugboat 66 1945 to the Dominican Republic 1972
YTL-601 US Navy tugboat 66 1945 sold 1973
YTL-602 US Navy tugboat 66 1945 later Cocheco
YTL-603 US Navy tugboat 66 1945 sold
Built by Consolidated Shipbuilding
Allumette Louis de B. Moore yacht 52 1946
Moonbeam E. S. Brockway yacht 60 1946
Alisa II power boat 60 1946 later Francha, Madeleine
Sahiba II power boat 60 1946 later Honora
Despatcher sport fishing 39 1947
Sandra Manuel Aspuro yacht 60 1947
Iroquois Roy Ferguson yacht 56 1947
Theresa Salvatore Moretti yacht 56 1947 later Fanita II and Marlen VI
Bink power boat 39 1947 later Ila-Nan II, Twins III
252868 Goddess Reynolds Dupont power boat 58 1947 later Empress
270277 Smuggler Two power boat 39 1948
Dona Rosa II Benjamin Garcia yacht 50 1948
254127 Hiram III Hiram Bloomingdale yacht 55 1948 later Joanne II, Toby
257877 Marwalarn power boat 39 1949 later Irish Mist, Sea Fan
Truant II L. B. Moreton power boat 40 1949 later Pampero II
Nquazi sport fishing 50 1949
Pat IV J. L. Patten power boat 52 1949 later Skytop II
258771 Scotchie William L. McKnight power boat 54 1949
Estelle III J. P. Levy yacht 39 1949
Altamer Wm. E. Foster power boat 39 1949
cruiser 56 1950
sport fishing 54 1950
yacht 85 1951
sport fishing 51 1951
yacht 58 1951
MSC-60 Ponta Delgada Portugese Navy minesweeper 30 Jun 1953 M-405, discarded 1973
MSC-61 Horta Portugese Navy minesweeper 30 Jun 1953 M-406, discarded 1976
MSC-62 Angra do Heroismo Portugese Navy minesweeper 12 Aug 1953 M-407, discarded 1973
MSC-169 Sint Truiden Belgian Navy minesweeper 10 Feb 1954 M-919, to Greece 1969 as Atalanti (M-202), struck 2004
MSC-170 Blankenberge Belgian Navy minesweeper 26 May 1954 M-923, to Greece 1969 as Thalia (M-210), struck 2004
MSC-171 Laroche Belgian Navy minesweeper 11 Aug 1954 M-924, to Greece 1969 as Niovi (M-254), struck 2004
MHC-43 Bittern US Navy minesweeper 22 Aug 1957 scrapped 2000

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