Well, it's that time of year again, time to renew the web hosting. And for those of you that don't know, that has become a lot more expensive than it used to be. Fifty dollars a year is now several hundred. Not to mention the price of domain names has gone up ten-fold.

And I just found out that the nice folks at PayPal disabled all my Support buttons, and I never got a notice (although that may be my fault.) In any case, it is all working again now, so if you would like to make a small donation to help defray these costs, it would be greatly appreciated.

Reliable Welding Works

Olympia WA

Reliable Welding Works was started some time in the 1920s or 30s by A. W. Lewis. It was specifically designed to build steel vessels up to 200 feet, so any wooden vessels credited to Reliable were almost certainly built by one of the several wooden boatbuilders in the Olympia area: similarly, there is some confusion as to who built several steel barges listed as built in the area. In 1970, RWW changed its name to Reliable Steel Fabrication, reflecting a change in its markets. It was sold in 1998 and later closed. The site, at 1218 West Bay Drive Northwest, remains vacant.

1000 ft
2000 ft
O/N Name Customer Type Tons LOA Built Notes
173665 Roberta Rockway Olympia Oil tank barge 179 100 1937 later W.T.&B. Co. No. 60, Manson 42
173719 Pierson Petroleum G. D. Pierson tank barge 85 60 1937 to USN 1942 as YO-151, returned post-war, foundered 1950
239393 Ranger Ben H. Tingly tugboat 15 43 1940
174729 Cornell No. 10 Chas. Cornell barge 187 110 1941
175023 Oil No. 1 Alaska Rivers Navigation freight barge 155 119 1941
175265 Polaris No. 6 barge 62 85 1942 later Christine Rose
251952 Jean S tugboat 94 69 1942 later The Rocket
271112 Kapalama tugboat 37 48 1942 later Roamer
1 Boissonault (ST 34) US Army tugboat 100d 74 1942 fate unknown
2 Carpenter (ST 35) US Army tugboat 100d 74 1942 foundered 1943
3 Fox (ST 36) US Army tugboat 100d 74 1942 sold post-war, fate unknown
4 Albert (ST 37) US Army tugboat 100d 74 1942 sold post-war as Hagen, sold 1949 to Lisbon Harbor as Serra de Sintra, Serra da Lapa 1978, fate unknown
5 Irwin (ST 38) US Army tugboat 100d 74 1942 fate unknown
6 Keach (ST 39) US Army tugboat 100d 74 1942 foundered 1944
7 ST-12 US Army tugboat 100d 74 1943 to China post-war as Kingsbury
8 ST-13 US Army tugboat 100d 74 1943 sold 1948 to F.M. Yorke (Canada), sunk 1948
9 253511 ST-14 US Army tugboat 100d 74 1943 sold 1947 as Western Cities, foundered 1979
10 ST-164 US Army tugboat 100d 74 1943 sold post-war, to Argentina 1948 as either MOP 252-B or MOP 256-B
11 ST-165 US Army tugboat 100d 74 1943 foundered 1943
12 256829 ST-166 US Army tugboat 100d 74 1943 sold 1948 as Gary Foss, Pacific Rocket 1949, Bronco 1972, Swinomish 1974
13 ST-167 US Army tugboat 100d 74 1943 sold post-war, to Argentina 1948 as either MOP 252-B or MOP 256-B
14 ST-168 US Army tugboat 100d 74 1943 sold post-war, fate unknown
15 ST-169 US Army tugboat 100d 74 1943 sold 1947 as Isabella Stewart (Canada), Fraser Crown 1959, Pacific Buoy 1982, sold 2003, fate unknown
16 ST-170 US Army tugboat 100d 74 1943 sold 1947 as George McGregor (Canada), lost 1949
17 ST-734 US Army tugboat 148d 86 1944 fate unknown
18 ST-735 US Army tugboat 148d 86 1945 to Greece post-war as Theseus, fate unknown
19 ST-736 US Army tugboat 148d 86 1945 fate unknown
20 ST-737 US Army tugboat 148d 86 1945 fate unknown
21 ST-738 US Army tugboat 148d 86 1945 fate unknown
22 ST-739 US Army tugboat 148d 86 1945 fate unknown
247040 Ruby VIII General Construction tugboat 40 52 1944 later Joshua T, Coot, Ruby VIII
176014 BBL No. 50 freight barge 1,029 260 1944 later M.T. No. 20 (too big to have been built by Reliable?)
176064 BBL No. 51 freight barge 1,029 260 1944 later M.T. No. 21 (too big to have been built by Reliable?)
176201 D.L. Co. C Drummond Lighterage freight barge 841 216 1945 later PGE No. 3 (Canada ON 194186), Seaspan 901, Allied Barge
176350 Ordel No. 9 Ordel Oil tank barge 142 83 1945 sold for recreational use, NLD
247526 Harstine II Mason County ferry 49 63 1945 retired 1969
249014 Sun Dial Fred V. Brown trawler 536 118 1945 hull only, completed by Pacific Coast BB
27 250021 F E Lovejoy Puget Sound Freight Lines freighter 472 170 1946 later Laney S, Denali, Pacific Producer
250145 Erlyndee A. W. Lewis yacht 41 46 1946 built for the owner of the shipyard
251620 Kolo Young Brothers tugboat 42 61 1947 NLD
263133 Brynn Foss Foss Towing tugboat 96 68 1952 later Bengal Tiger, deleted 2016
Bayberry (WLI-65400) USCG buoy tender 70d 65 1954
Elderberry (WLI-65401) USCG buoy tender 70d 65 1954
273348 Rufus Foss Towing tugboat 13 42 1957 later Denise H
36 529534 Cedar King Dunlap Towing tugboat 19 37 1970

Printed from shipbuildinghistory.njscuba.net