Well, it's that time of year again, time to renew the web hosting. And for those of you that don't know, that has become a lot more expensive than it used to be. Fifty dollars a year is now several hundred. Not to mention the price of domain names has gone up ten-fold.

And I just found out that the nice folks at PayPal disabled all my Support buttons, and I never got a notice (although that may be my fault.) In any case, it is all working again now, so if you would like to make a small donation to help defray these costs, it would be greatly appreciated.

Pullman Standard

Chicago IL

In 1943, Pullman Standard Car Manufacturing Company established a shipbuilding division and dived into wartime small ship design and construction. The yard was on Lake Calumet, on the north side of 130th Street, at the most southerly point of the lake: you can see where it must have been but there is no sign of a shipyard there now. Pullman built the boats in 40-ton blocks, just as we do today, the blocks being assembled in a fab shop on 111th Street and moved to the yard on gondola cars. In two years, they built 34 PCEs, which were 180 feet long and weighed 640 tons, and 44 LSMs, which were 203 feet long and weighed 520 tons.

1000 ft
2000 ft
O/N Name and/or # Customer Type Tons Delivered Notes
PCE-827 US Navy corvette 850 2 May 1943 to Britain 1943 as HMS Kilbirnie (BEC 1), to Norway 1947 as Haugesund, to Italy 1973 as Sicilia Ponte, Tucalif 1982, scrapped 1997
PCE-828 US Navy corvette 850 15 May 1943 to Britain 1943 as HMS Kilbride (BEC 2), to Norway 1947 as Jylland, to Malta 1967, to Turkey 1984 as Kibriz, Akdeniz, to Greece 1986 as Princess Lydia, scrapped 1988
PCE-829 US Navy corvette 850 27 May 1943 to Britain 1943 as HMS Kilchattan (BEC 3), to Norway 1947 as Stavanger, to Finland 1973 as Kong Sverre, Capri Corne, scrapped 19??
PCE-830 US Navy corvette 850 13 Jun 1943 to Britain 1943 as HMS Kilchrenan (BEC 4), to Norway 1947 as Sunnhordland, to Finland 1974 as Kristina Brahe
PCE-831 US Navy corvette 850 26 Jun 1943 to Britain 1943 as HMS Kildary (BEC 5), to Portugal 1952 as Rio Vouga, to Denmark 1979 as Exportrader, scrapped 1980
PCE-832 US Navy corvette 850 10 Jul 1943 to Britain 1943 as HMS Kildwick (BEC 6), to Norway 1947 as Sunnfjord, to Finland 1978 as Sunnfjord II, sank 1983
PCE-833 US Navy corvette 850 2 Aug 1943 to Britain 1943 as HMS Kilham (BEC 7), to Norway 1947 as Sognefjord, Orion 1982, to Finland 1987 as Orion II, to Thailand 1997 as Orient Explorer, laid up in Malaysia
PCE-834 US Navy corvette 850 19 Aug 1943 to Britain 1943 as HMS Kilkenzie (BEC 8), to Norway 1947 as Naddod, to the Philippines 1952 as General Wright, Sweet Sail 1967, scrapped 1978
PCE-835 US Navy corvette 850 3 Sep 1943 to Britain 1943 as HMS Kilhampton (BEC 9), to Greece 1948 as Georgios F, scrapped 1970
PCE-836 US Navy corvette 850 17 Sep 1943 to Britain 1943 as HMS Kilmalcolm (BEC 10), to Portugal 1952 as Rio Agueda, Rio Star, fate unknown
PCE-837 US Navy corvette 850 1 Oct 1943 to Britain 1943 as HMS Kilmarnock (BEC 11), to Greece 1949 as Arion, wrecked 1951
PCE-838 US Navy corvette 850 13 Oct 1943 to Britain 1943 as HMS Kilmartin (BEC 12), to Greece 1947 as Marigoula, scrapped 1969
PCE-839 US Navy corvette 850 23 Oct 1943 to Britain 1943 as HMS Kilmelford (BEC 13), to Greece 1949 as Aghios Spyridon, Saint Matthew 1971, fate unknown
PCE-840 US Navy corvette 850 2 Nov 1943 to Britain 1943 as HMS Kilmington (BEC 14), to Greece 1951 as Athinai, Trias 1955, Agios Gerasimos 1960, scrapped 2007
PCE-841 US Navy corvette 850 9 Nov 1943 to Britain 1943 as HMS Kilmore (BEC 15), to Greece 1947 as Despina, Evangelistria 1969, fate unknown
PCER-842 US Navy corvette 850 29 Jan 1944 later Marfa 1956, to Korea 1961 as Tang Po (PCE-56), sunk by gunfire 19-Jan-67
PCER-843 US Navy corvette 850 30 Jan 1944 later Showhegan 1956, sold 1961
PCER-844 US Navy corvette 850 18 Feb 1944 to Mexico 1948 as Pedro Sainz de Barandas (PO 123)
PCER-845 US Navy corvette 850 1 Mar 1944 later Worland 1956, to North Carolina 1964 as Advance II, sold 1980, reefed 1994 off Kitty Hawk
PCER-846 US Navy corvette 850 4 Mar 1944 later Eunice 1956, to Ecuador 1960 as Esmeraldes (E-03)
PCER-847 US Navy corvette 850 18 Mar 1944 to Mexico 1947 as David Porter (H-02)
PCER-848 US Navy corvette 850 30 Mar 1944 damaged by bomber off New Guinea 27-Oct-44 and scuttled
PCER-849 US Navy corvette 850 11 Apr 1944 later Somersworth 1956, sold 1966, scrapped 1972
PCER-850 US Navy corvette 850 17 Apr 1944 later Fairview 1956, sold 1968
PCER-851 US Navy corvette 850 15 May 1944 later Rockville 1956, to Colombia 1969 as San Andres (BO-151)
PCER-852 US Navy corvette 850 26 May 1944 later Brattleboro 1956, to Vietnam 1966 as Ngoc Hoi (HQ-12), to the Philippines 1975 as Miguel Malvar (PS-19)
PCER-853 US Navy corvette 850 15 Jun 1944 later Amherst 1956, to Vietnam 1966 as Van Kiep II (HQ-14), to the Philippines 1975 as Datu Marikudo (PS-23)
PCER-854 US Navy corvette 850 4 Jan 1945 sold 1945 as Liberty Belle II
PCER-855 US Navy corvette 850 1 Nov 1944 later Rexburg 1956, sold 1970 as Asia, Excalibur
PCER-856 US Navy corvette 850 11 Nov 1944 later Whitehall 1956, sold 1970 as Donna Marie, Atlantic Surf, Atlantic Shore
PCER-857 US Navy corvette 850 26 Apr 1945 later Marysville 1956, sold 1970
PCER-858 US Navy corvette 850 16 May 1945 to USCG 1946 as Jackson (WPC-120), sold 1947
PCER-859 US Navy corvette 850 10 Mar 1945 to MARAD 1948
PCER-860 US Navy corvette 850 31 Mar 1945 to USCG 1946 as Bedloe (WPC-121), sold 1947
262975 LSM-310 US Navy landing ship 520 23 May 1944 sold to Foss 1948, converted to tug Leland James, The Legend
LSM-311 US Navy landing ship 520 31 May 1944 sold to Fairbanks Morse 1948 for scrapping
LSM-312 US Navy landing ship 520 17 Jun 1944 sold to Crowley 1948 for scrapping
LSM-313 US Navy landing ship 520 25 Jun 1944 laid up 1947, to Vietnam 1962 as Tien Giang (HQ-405), seized by North Vietnam 1975, disposed-of 1990
264489 LSM-314 US Navy landing ship 520 6 Jul 1944 sold to Foss 1948 as Foss 161, converted to barge
LSM-315 US Navy landing ship 520 13 Jul 1944 laid up 1946, to Australian Army 1960 as Vernon Sturdee (AV-1355), sold 1972, sank c1984
LSM-316 US Navy landing ship 520 21 Jul 1944 laid up 1946, to France 1954 as L-9014, returned 1956, to Korea 1956 as Sin Mi (LSM-661)
LSM-317 US Navy landing ship 520 28 Jul 1944 sold to Foss 1948, converted to barge
LSM-318 US Navy landing ship 520 3 Aug 1944 sunk at Ormoc 7-Dec-44
LSM-319 US Navy landing ship 520 10 Aug 1944 laid up 1946, to Australian Army 1959 as Harry Chauvel (AV-1353), sold 1972
LSM-320 US Navy landing ship 520 19 Aug 1944 laid up 1946, to the Philippines 1962 as Oriental Mindoro (LP-68), disposed-of 1989
LSM-321 US Navy landing ship 520 26 Aug 1944 sold to John D. Schapiro 1947
LSM-322 US Navy landing ship 520 6 Sep 1944 sold to New Orleans Shipwrecking 1948, for scrapping
257616 LSM-323 US Navy landing ship 520 16 Sep 1944 sold to Norfolk, Baltimore Line 1947 as Edward Hogshire
279269 LSM-324 US Navy landing ship 520 23 Sep 1944 laid up 1947, sold to Chesapeake Corp. 1958, converted to Barge No. 3
LSM-325 US Navy landing ship 520 30 Sep 1944 sold to Ming Sung Industrial 1947
LSM-326 US Navy landing ship 520 7 Oct 1944 sold to Dravo 1947, for scrapping
LSM-327 US Navy landing ship 520 14 Oct 1944 sold to A. G. Schoonmaker 1947 for scrapping
LSM-328 US Navy landing ship 520 21 Oct 1944 sold to Basalt Rock Co. 1948, for scrapping
LSM-329 US Navy landing ship 520 28 Oct 1944 laid up 1947, to Spain 1958, sold 1976, scrapped 2010
LSM-330 US Navy landing ship 520 6 Nov 1944 laid up 1947, sold to Ships Inc. 1958
LSM-331 US Navy landing ship 520 11 Nov 1944 laid up 1947, to Spain 1960 as LSM-2, sold 1976
283679 LSM-332 US Navy landing ship 520 18 Nov 1944 laid up 1947, sold to Dulien steel 1958, converted to barge 514 M
LSM-333 US Navy landing ship 520 11 Nov 1944 to Thailand 1946 as Kut (LSM-731), decommissioned 1990, sunk as target 2006
LSM-334 US Navy landing ship 520 2 Dec 1944 sold to Crowley 1948 for scrapping
LSM-335 US Navy landing ship 520 9 Dec 1944 laid up 1946, to MSC-1951, AG-335, to DOI 1970
LSM-336 US Navy landing ship 520 22 Dec 1944 to China 1946, seized by PRC 1949
LSM-337 US Navy landing ship 520 30 Dec 1944 to China 1948
LSM-338 US Navy landing ship 520 10 Jan 1945 to Thailand 1946 as Phai (LSM-2), scrapped
LSM-339 US Navy landing ship 520 23 Jan 1945 to China 1946
LSM-340 US Navy landing ship 520 30 Jan 1945 sold to New Orleans Shipwrecking 1948, for scrapping
278575 LSM-341 US Navy landing ship 520 3 Feb 1945 laid up 1947, sold to Hugo Neu Corp. 1958, converted to barge, Kate
LSM-342 US Navy landing ship 520 12 Feb 1945 to Port of Newport or 1948 as Amazon
LSM-343 US Navy landing ship 520 17 Feb 1945 laid up 1946, to Spain 1960, scrapped 1976
LSM-344 US Navy landing ship 520 24 Feb 1945 sold to Sohio Pipeline 1947
LSM-345 US Navy landing ship 520 3 Mar 1945 sold to Ohio Oil 1947
LSM-346 US Navy landing ship 520 10 Mar 1945 to Port of Newport or 1948, converted to barge 404
LSM-347 US Navy landing ship 520 17 Mar 1945 sold to Sohio Pipeline 1947
256025 LSM-348 US Navy landing ship 520 24 Mar 1945 sold to United Fruit 1948 as Rolando, Western Explorer
LSM-349 US Navy landing ship 520 31 Mar 1945 to China 1946
LSM-350 US Navy landing ship 520 7 Apr 1945 sold to New Orleans Shipwrecking 1948, for scrapping
LSM-351 US Navy landing ship 520 14 Apr 1945 sold to Ohio Oil 1947
LSM-352 US Navy landing ship 520 21 Apr 1945 sold to Evald Sooder 1948
256915 LSM-353 US Navy landing ship 520 21 Apr 1945 sold to Pollock Stockton Co. 1949, converted to barge Rincon, Jesse Andrews

Printed from shipbuildinghistory.njscuba.net