Well, it's that time of year again, time to renew the web hosting. And for those of you that don't know, that has become a lot more expensive than it used to be. Fifty dollars a year is now several hundred. Not to mention the price of domain names has gone up ten-fold.

And I just found out that the nice folks at PayPal disabled all my Support buttons, and I never got a notice (although that may be my fault.) In any case, it is all working again now, so if you would like to make a small donation to help defray these costs, it would be greatly appreciated.

Pollock-Stockton Shipbuilding

Stockton CA

Pollock-Stockton Shipbuilding was started in 1942 by George Pollock, whose primary business was Pollock Construction Company, and closed in 1946. It occupied 50 acres on the north bank of the Stockton Channel, near Louis Park.

1000 ft
2000 ft
Name Customer Type Tons LOA Delivered Notes
YFN-619 US Navy lighter 700 260 1943
YFN-620 US Navy lighter 700 260 1943
YFN-621 US Navy lighter 700 260 1943 later YFNB-5, sold 2004
YFN-622 US Navy lighter 700 260 1943
YFN-623 US Navy lighter 700 260 1943
YFN-738 US Navy lighter 700 260 1943
YFN-739 US Navy lighter 700 260 1943
YFN-740 US Navy lighter 700 260 1943 later YRBM-19, YFNB-19, YRBM-56
YFN-741 US Navy lighter 700 260 1943
YFN-742 US Navy lighter 700 260 1943
Ironwood (AN-48) US Navy net layer 1,100 194 18 Oct 1943 YN--67, renamed Lancewood 1944, to France 1947 as Comm. Charcot
Papaya (AN-49) US Navy net layer 1,100 194 1 Dec 1943 YN--68, to MARAD 1946
Royal Palm (AN-50) US Navy net layer 1,100 194 10 Jan 1944 YN--69, renamed Cinnamon 1944, to Taiwan 1947
Silver Bell (AN-51) US Navy net layer 1,100 194 16 Feb 1944 YN--70, to Taiwan 1947, discarded
Snowbell (AN-52) US Navy net layer 1,100 194 16 Mar 1944 YN--71, damaged by typhoon off Okinawa 1945 and destroyed 1946
Spicewood (AN-53) US Navy net layer 1,100 194 7 Apr 1944 YN--72, sold 1946
Sumac (AN-54) US Navy net layer 1,100 194 26 Apr 1944 YN--73, renamed Manchineel 1943, sold 1947
Torchwood (AN-55) US Navy net layer 1,100 194 12 May 1944 YN--74, to Taiwan 1946
Tupelo (AN-56) US Navy net layer 1,100 194 30 May 1944 YN--75, sold 1947
Viburnum (AN-57) US Navy net layer 1,100 194 2 Jun 1944 YN--76, sold 1947
ABSD-3A US Navy drydock 3,850 93 May 1944 to Portland ME 1982, to Rijeka, Croatia 2000, scrapped
ABSD-3B US Navy drydock 3,850 93 May 1944 to Portland ME 1982, to Rijeka, Croatia 2000, scrapped
YR-67 US Navy repair barge 530 150 1944 now YRB-32
YR-68 US Navy repair barge 530 150 1944 now YRB-34
ABSD-7E (Los Alamos) US Navy drydock 3,850 93 Mar 1945 to Brownsville TX-1995
ABSD-7F (Los Alamos) US Navy drydock 3,850 93 Mar 1945 to US Army as power barge 1968
YFD-71 (Steadfast) US Navy drydock 5,900 528 July 1945 later AFDM-14, to City of San Francisco 1999
YFN-998 US Navy lighter 700 260 1945
YFN-999 US Navy lighter 700 260 1945
YFN-1000 US Navy lighter 700 260 1945
YFN-1001 US Navy lighter 700 260 1945
YFN-1002 US Navy lighter 700 260 1945
YFN-1003 US Navy lighter 700 260 1945
YFN-1004 US Navy lighter 700 260 1945
YFN-1005 US Navy lighter 700 260 1945
YFN-1006 US Navy lighter 700 260 1945
YFN-1007 US Navy lighter 700 260 1945
YFN-1008 US Navy lighter 700 260 1945 later YC-1212
YFN-1009 US Navy lighter 700 260 1945 later YC-1213
YFN-1010 US Navy lighter 700 260 1945
YFN-1011 US Navy lighter 700 260 1945
YFN-1012 US Navy lighter 700 260 1945
YFN-1013 US Navy lighter 700 260 1945
YFN-1014 US Navy lighter 700 260 1945
YFN-1015 US Navy lighter 700 260 1945
YFN-1016 US Navy lighter 700 260 1945
APL-23 US Navy barracks barge 1,300 261 1945 scrapped 1974
APL-24 US Navy barracks barge 1,300 261 1945 to MARAD 1962
APL-25 US Navy barracks barge 1,300 261 1945 scrapped 1973
APL-25 (Green Apple) US Navy barracks barge 1,300 261 1945

Printed from shipbuildinghistory.njscuba.net