Inland Waterways

Duluth MN

Most recent update: August 30, 2021.

This shipyard was developed to build sub chasers, but only built four before folding. Did they build anything else? The yard was at 1000 Minnesota Avenue, where the Park Point Marina is today, immediately north of the Coast Guard station.

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Name Customer Type LOA Tons Delivered Notes
SC-670 US Navy subchaser 110 136 2 Aug 1942 to USCG 1945 as Air Grayleg (WAVR-425)
SC-671 US Navy subchaser 110 136 19 Oct 1942 to MARAD 1945
SC-1059 US Navy subchaser 110 136 27 Feb 1943 to MARAD 1946
SC-1060 US Navy subchaser 110 136 24 Apr 1943 to the USSR 1945 as BO-317

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