Well, it's that time of year again, time to renew the web hosting. And for those of you that don't know, that has become a lot more expensive than it used to be. Fifty dollars a year is now several hundred. Not to mention the price of domain names has gone up ten-fold.

And I just found out that the nice folks at PayPal disabled all my Support buttons, and I never got a notice (although that may be my fault.) In any case, it is all working again now, so if you would like to make a small donation to help defray these costs, it would be greatly appreciated.

Barbee Marine Yards

Renton WA

Barbee Marine Yards, Inc., was located at 4101 Lake Washington Boulevard North, in the May Creek section of Renton WA, and operated only between 1943 and 1945. Thereafter it became the lumber mill of Barbee Mill Co., and has now been residential property since 2006.

1000 ft
2000 ft
O/N Name Customer Type GT LOA Delivered Notes
1 249669 LT-140 US Army tugboat 282 127 8/1943 - 2/1944 sold 1946 as L. H. Coolidge, sank 1951
2 249367 LT-141 US Army tugboat 284 127 8/1943 - 2/1944 sold 1946 as Shinn, then Shawnee, abandoned in Vietnam 1976
3 250669 LT-142 US Army tugboat 283 127 8/1943 - 2/1944 sold 1946 as Portugbar, then Earnest, to Sea Scouts in Olympia WA 196x as Czar, abandoned on Nisqually Beach
4 250674 LT-143 US Army tugboat 283 127 8/1943 - 2/1944 sold 1946 as Teton, then Martin, Cayuse, abandoned in Vietnam 197x
5 LT-144 US Army tugboat 270 127 8/1943 - 2/1944 sold 1946 as Florence Filburg, houseboat from 2000, sank near Seattle 2005, destroyed by fire 2009
6 249560 LT-374 US Army tugboat 275 127 4/1944 - 10/1944 sold 1946 as Jack, then Mary A. Cornell, Elizabeth Olson, grounded and broke up in Port Bandon or 1960
7 LT-375 US Army tugboat 280 127 4/1944 - 10/1944 grounded in Attu Harbor 1946, stripped and sunk.
8 249578 LT-376 US Army tugboat 288 127 4/1944 - 10/1944 sold 1946 as Barbara Foss, sunk as target 1976
9 253393 LT-377 US Army tugboat 287 127 4/1944 - 10/1944 sold 1946 as Donna Foss, Anna Foss 1969, Bruin 1970, CTL-1978
10 249579 LT-378 US Army tugboat 295 127 4/1944 - 10/1944 sold 1946 as Justine Foss, then f/v Odin, yacht Justine
251740 Enid III yacht 27 48 1943 deleted?
Bel Canto fishing boat 26 48 1943 later Song of Dixie
Robert S yacht 37 49 1943
250594 BCL-1321 US Army barge 204 10/1943 - 12/1943 sold as Foss 151
250776 BCL-1322 US Army barge 204 10/1943 - 12/1943 sold as A.F.L. 1322
251589 BCL-1596 US Army barge 204 4/1944 - 10/1944 sold as P. T. & B. Co. 1596
176790 BCL-1597 US Army barge 204 4/1944 - 10/1944 sold as A.F.L. 1597
252085 BCL-1598 US Army barge 204 4/1944 - 10/1944 sold as P. T. & B. Co. 1598
251590 BCL-1599 US Army barge 204 4/1944 - 10/1944 sold as A.F.L. 1599
251382 BCL-1600 US Army barge 204 4/1944 - 10/1944 sold as A.F.L. 1600
176791 BCL-1601 US Army barge 204 4/1944 - 10/1944 sold as A.F.L. 1601
249134 Southern Cross Fishiing 12 37 1945 deleted?
Icy Queen fishing boat 46 50 1945
242172 Lee Rose fishing boat 47 50 1945 deleted?
248003 Marhild fishing boat 106 65 1945 later Totem, Four Sons. Existence in doubt 1991

Printed from shipbuildinghistory.njscuba.net