Well, it's that time of year again, time to renew the web hosting. And for those of you that don't know, that has become a lot more expensive than it used to be. Fifty dollars a year is now several hundred. Not to mention the price of domain names has gone up ten-fold.

And I just found out that the nice folks at PayPal disabled all my Support buttons, and I never got a notice (although that may be my fault.) In any case, it is all working again now, so if you would like to make a small donation to help defray these costs, it would be greatly appreciated.

Lindstrom Shipbuilding

Aberdeen WA

Lindstrom Shipbuilding was established in 1899 by John Lindstrom and C. R. Green: it closed in 1907, after Lindstrom bought Bendixsen Shipbuilding, in Eureka CA, and moved their business to that yard. When WWI approached, the Aberdeen yard was leased by Grays Harbor Shipbuilding Corp. - later Grays Harbor Motor Ship Corp. - and modernized for the construction of cargo ships for the USSB. The yard was at the foot of Washington Avenue.

1000 ft
2000 ft
USSB # O/N Name Customer Type GT Built Notes
Built by Lindstrom Shipbuilding
116896 San Pedro J. R. Hanify & Co freighter 456 1899 deleted 1936
81683 W. H. Kruger Truckee Lumber Co freighter 469 1899 wrecked 1906 near Greenwood CA
96470 Henry Wilson schooner 499 1899
Aberdeen schooner 499 1899 stranded 1916 off San Francisco
107553 A. B. Johnson schooner 529 1900
111303 R. C. Slade schooner 673 1900
31705 Brooklyn Beadle Bros freighter 333 1901 foundered 1930 off Humboldt harbor
81735 W. J. Patterson J. Tyler Turner schooner 645 1901
81782 Watson A. West schooner 818 1901
39775 G. C. Lindauer schooner 499 1901 stranded 1915 off the Umpqua River
107786 Andy Mahony schooner 566 1902
96652 Harbor Belle passenger 179 1902
162144 James S. Higgins C. H. Higgins passenger 382 1903 later Girlie Mahony 1918, wrecked 1919 in Albion Harbor CA
200698 Bee freighter 601 1904 later San Mateo
200803 Skookum passenger 302 1904
201092 Daring freighter 227 1904
162610 coaster C. H. Higgins freighter 579 1905 later Caoba 1918, foundered 20nm off Columbia River mouth 1925
162628 Mayfair Beadle Bros freighter 670 1905 scrapped 1936
162635 Thos L. Wand Olson & Mahony freighter 657 1906 wrecked Point Sur 1922
201861 Sea Foam J. H. Fritch freighter 339 1905 wrecked 120nm N San Francisco 1931
203022 Quinault Quinault S.S. Co freighter 582 1906 wrecked Point Gorda, Cal., 1917
203557 Carmel J. Homer Fritch Inc freighter 633 1906 scrapped 1931
203602 Jim Butler O. J. Olson freighter 642 1906 later Berkeley, Crescent City 1923, wrecked 80nm S San Francisco 1927
203617 Hornet Hornet S.S. Co freighter 661 1906 stripped and beached at Lanai, Hawaii 1927
204092 J. Marhoffer Olson & Mahony freighter 608 1907 burned 20nm N Newport, Ore., 1910
204481 Bee Bee S.S. Co freighter 601 1907 later Westerner 1907, San Mateo 1920, wrecked off Maui 1924
204656 Grays Harbor Sudden & Christenson freighter 659 1907 scrapped 1931
204731 Claremont W. H. Wood freighter 747 1907 wrecked Coos Bay bar 1915
204919 Capistrano J. Homer Fritch Inc freighter 648 1907 later Caspar 1912, abandoned 1935 and scrapped 1940
Built by Gray's Harbor Shipbuilding Corp.
214850 Santino motor ship 2,491 1917
215389 Grays Harbor freighter 2,373 1917
215798 Mount Rainier freighter 2,397 1917
215877 Balestrand freighter 2,403 1917
216104 Hjeltenaes freighter 2,387 1918 sank off Land's End 1922
216188 Marie de Ronde freighter 2,415 1918
Built by Gray's Harbor Motor Ship Corp.
55 216880 Abrigado USSB freighter hull 2,941 1918 burned in the Azores 1919
56 216576 Wishkah USSB freighter hull 2,941 1918 scrapped 1924
57 216553 Kaskaskia USSB freighter hull 2,941 1918 burned 1920 and scrapped
58 216745 Blackford USSB freighter hull 2,941 1918 foundered 1918 off Lower California
998 216943 Bromela USSB freighter 2,941 1918 scrapped 1924
999 217027 Brompton USSB freighter 2,941 1918 scrapped 1924
1000 217201 Broncho USSB freighter 2,941 1918 scrapped 1924
1001 217298 Brookdale USSB freighter 2,941 1918 abandoned 1938, burned and scrapped
1059 217363 Brookfield USSB freighter 2,941 1918 burned in Fayal 1921
1060 217470 Brookhaven USSB freighter 2,941 1918 burned in Calcutta 1921 and scrapped
1061 217817 Brookland USSB freighter 2,941 1918 burned in Havana 1920
1062 218105 Brookside USSB freighter 2,941 1918 scrapped 1924
1892 218223 Grayling USSB freighter 2,941 1918 scrapped 1924
1893 218233 Gray Eagle USSB freighter 2,941 1918 scrapped 1924
1894 218313 Mannahocking USSB freighter 2,941 1918 scrapped 1924
1895 218627 Gray Cloud USSB freighter 2,941 1918 wrecked near Calcutta 1921
1896 217063 Aberdeen USSB freighter 2,941 1918 scrapped 1924
2677 220087 Adria USSB freighter hull 3,132 1919 later Maceio, scrapped 1925
2678 220174 Agron USSB freighter hull 3,132 1919 scrapped 1934
2679 Agathon USSB freighter hull 3,132 1919 burned before completion and scrapped
2680 220216 Agylla USSB freighter hull 3,132 1919 later Antofogasto, scrapped 1931
219131 Forest Pride Southland S.S. Co. freighter 1,600 1919
219276 Forest Dream Southland S.S. Co. freighter 1,604 1919
219452 Forest Friend Southland S.S. Co. freighter 1,614 1919
220354 Forest King Southland S.S. Co. freighter 2,426 1920

Printed from shipbuildinghistory.njscuba.net