RTC Shipbuilding
Camden NJ
RTC Shipbuilding was formed in March 1940 by three senior employees of John H. Mathis & Co., L. M. Robinson, G. R. Taylor and J. P. Carson, whose initials are the basis for the company's name. The yard was located at Delaware Avenue and State Street: it is now Cooper's Poynt Park. It is immediately to the south of the old Mathis yard, which is now used by Weeks Marine. RTC's first ship was designated Hull 131: they built it at the same time as Mathis was building its own Hull 131, suggesting that the two yards set out to be direct competitors from day one. RTC closed in 1961, the same year that Mathis closed. The Independence Seaport Museum in Philadelphia has a collection of material from RTC including plans, specifications, photographs, and other related items from the 1930s to the 1960s: visit phillyseaport.org to find out more.
O/N | Name | Customer | Type | GT | LOA | Delivered | Notes | |
131 | 174837 | Hygrade No. 4 | Tanker Hygrade Inc. | tank barge | 1,044 | 209 | 30 Jul 1940 | later Red Star 200, NLD |
132 | 174860 | Hygrade No. 5 | Tanker Hygrade Inc. | tank barge | 1,044 | 209 | 12 Sep 1940 | later Red Star 201, NLD |
133 | 240719 | Amboy | Pennsylvania RR | tugboat | 354 | 111 | 4 Nov 1940 | |
134 | 240304 | Geo. Whitlock | Geo. Whitlock Inc. | tanker | 515 | 151 | 24 Feb 1941 | to USN 1941 as YO-57, sold 1947 as J. A. Cummings, Nepco 10 1965, Karen Tibbetts 1970, Mary Gately 1984, barge Atco Mary Lee 1990, Fayou K. 1992, Nori 1993, deleted 2001 |
135 | 240555 | F. W. Lloyd | Geo. Whitlock Inc. | tanker | 515 | 151 | 21 May 1941 | to USN 1941 as YO-60, sunk as target 1975 |
136 | 240961 | T. W. Drennen | Ira S. Bushey | tanker | 1737 | 252 | 3 Oct 1941 | to USA QMS-1942, deleted 1951 |
137 | 241204 | John B. Caddell | Chester A. Poling Inc. | tanker | 712 | 185 | 13 Dec 1941 | to USN 1942 as YO-140, sold 1946 as John B. Caddell, wrecked 2012 in Hurricane Sandy |
138 | 241390 | Geo. Whitlock II | Geo. Whitlock Inc. | tanker | 987 | 214 | 28 Feb 1942 | later Reliable II 1990, scrapped 2005 |
139 | 241603 | A. C. Dodge | A. C. Dodge Inc. | tanker | 987 | 214 | 9 May 1942 | collision off Reedy Point and blew up 25-May-52 |
140 | Gauger (YO-55) | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 235 | 28 Sep 1942 | scrapped 1974 | |
141 | Pumper (YO-56) | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 235 | 28 Nov 1942 | to France 1944 as Lac Tonle Sap (A-630), sunk as target 1989 | |
142 | Derrick (YO-57) | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 235 | 24 Dec 1942 | to Korea 1955 as Paek Yeon (AO-5), sold as Hwa Chon | |
143 | Anticline (YO-62) | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 235 | 19 Apr 1943 | to France 1944 as Lac Chambon (A-629), sunk as target 1974 | |
144 | Syncline (YO-63) | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 235 | 25 Jun 1943 | to France 1945 as Lac Tchad (A-631), sank 1972 | |
145 | YO-69 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | 8 Sep 1943 | scrapped 1975 | |
146 | YO-70 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | 19 Oct 1943 | sold 1973 as Ocean Fighter, Mini-One, Carib 1, lost 1991 | |
147 | YO-71 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | 7 Dec 1943 | struck 1946, fate unknown | |
148 | YO-72 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | 18 Jan 1944 | sold 1974, Olive Oyl, Caribbean Tanker, Laura del Mar, Leticia del Mar (Ecuador) | |
149 | YO-113 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | 15 Feb 1944 | scrapped 1974 | |
150 | YO-114 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | 17 Mar 1944 | scrapped 1974 | |
151 | YO-115 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | 18 Apr 1944 | to the Philippines 1945 | |
152 | YO-116 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | 26 May 1944 | to the Philippines 1945 | |
153 | YO-117 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | 28 Jun 1944 | later Y-482, then Timor Bharu (Indonesia) | |
154 | YO-118 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | 8 Aug 1944 | to Korea 1946 as Ku Kyong (YO-1) | |
155 | YO-171 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | 15 Nov 1944 | to Peru 1981 as Gauden (ACP 119) | |
156 | YO-172 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | 14 Dec 1944 | scrapped 1974 | |
157 | YO-173 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | 22 Jan 1945 | to the Philippines 1945 as Lake Naujan (YO-43) | |
158 | YOG-56 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | 13 Feb 1945 | to Vietnam 1975 as HQ-475 | |
159 | YOG-57 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | 20 Mar 1945 | sunk as target 1977 | |
160 | YOG-58 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | 20 Apr 1945 | reefed off NJ 2000 | |
161 | 293366 | YOG-86 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | 3 Jul 1945 | sold 1977 as fishboat Polar Shell, Chief, St Matthew, lost 1994 |
162 | YOG-87 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | 31 Jul 1945 | sold 1981 as Petro Venture (Panama), deleted 2010 | |
163 | YOG-88 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | 28 Aug 1945 | sold 2001, Apolo (Mexico) | |
164 | YOG-89 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | 20 Sep 1945 | sunk as target 1976 | |
165 | 604676 | YOG-90 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | 31 Oct 1945 | sold for scrap 1974, but rebuilt & documented as Alyeska, Polar Enterprise, Polar Wind, Blue North, Caribbean Soul |
166 | 617019 | YOG-91 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | 29 Nov 1945 | later YO-248, sold as fishboat Dolphin, freight barge |
167 | YOG-92 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | Feb 1946 | cancelled but subsequently completed, sold ~1981, Petrostar VII (Saudi Arabia) | |
168 | YOG-93 | US Navy | tanker | 1,295 | 174 | Feb 1946 | cancelled but completed, IX-523, reefed off DE 2007 | |
171 | 251392 | W. A. Weber | W. A. Weber, Inc. | tanker | 616 | 163 | 21 Jan 1947 | scrapped 1975 |
172 | 176732 | Hygrade No. 8 | Hygrade Oil Co. | tank barge | 1,495 | 294 | 28 Jul 1946 | NLD |
173 | 250807 | Hygrade No. 14 | Hygrade Oil Co. | tank barge | 1,495 | 294 | 23 Oct 1946 | later Ocean Burning No. 34, NLD |
174 | 252977 | Hygrade No. 26 | Hygrade Oil Co. | tank barge | 1,054 | 210 | 3 Jul 1947 | later MPE 275, NLD |
175 | 253241 | Crab Island | Fish Products Co. | tank barge | 171 | 98 | 22 Jul 1947 | later M.P.T 175 later Simec Basques, Ocean Basques - Canada ON 815636 |
176 | Fish Products Co. | tank barge | 981 | 40 | 24 Jul 1947 | later Simec Basques | ||
177 | 253996 | Hygrade No. 28 | Hygrade Oil Co. | tank barge | 1,054 | 210 | 24 Oct 1947 | later Ocean Burning No. 28 |
178 | 254394 | Socony No. 125 | Socony Oil Co. | tank barge | 1,036 | 218 | 31 Dec 1947 | NLD |
179 | 254603 | Socony No. 126 | Socony Oil Co. | tank barge | 1,036 | 218 | 14 Feb 1948 | NLD |
180 | 255053 | Socony No. 127 | Socony Oil Co. | tank barge | 1,036 | 218 | 16 Apr 1948 | NLD |
181 | 255758 | Socony No. 128 | Socony Oil Co. | tank barge | 1,036 | 218 | 2 Jul 1948 | NLD |
182 | 253242 | Little George | Fish Products Co. | work boat | 11 | 36 | 15 Jul 1947 | NLD |
183 | 255385 | Barnegat | Fish Products Co. | fishing boat | 178 | 120 | 23 May 1948 | scrapped 1995 |
184 | 256216 | Brigantine | Fish Products Co. | fishing boat | 178 | 120 | 21 Aug 1948 | later Nils S, reefed off NJ 1989 |
185 | 256816 | Bernard Samuel | City of Philadelphia | fireboat | 77 | 75 | 10 Nov 1948 | sold 2009 |
186 | 257192 | Manasquan | Fish Products Co. | fishing boat | 178 | 120 | 16 Feb 1949 | later Abraham, ABD Express, lost 1994 |
187 | 255550 | Little Egg | Fish Products Co. | barge | 171 | 98 | 27 Jun 1948 | NLD |
188 | 259079 | Newark | Pennsylvania RR Co. | tugboat | 147 | 98 | 19 Dec 1949 | later Captain Frank, Lewis G Seabrook, NLD |
189 | 257543 | Beach Haven | Fish Products Co. | fishing boat | 177 | 120 | 15 Apr 1949 | reefed off NJ 1992 |
190 | 257665 | Sea Girt | Fish Products Co. | fishing boat | 177 | 120 | 23 May 1949 | lost 1995 |
191 | 257967 | Shinnecock | Smith Meal Co. | fishing boat | 306 | 146 | 10 Jun 1949 | |
192 | 258001 | Montauk | Smith Meal Co. | fishing boat | 306 | 146 | 13 Jun 1949 | later cargo vessel Son of David, NLD |
193 | 258135 | Little Gull | Fish Products Co. | fishing boat | 198 | 130 | 30 Jun 1949 | NLD |
194 | 258419 | Absecon | Fish Products Co. | fishing boat | 198 | 130 | 4 Aug 1949 | later Carters Creek, reefed off NJ 2021 |
195 | 259759 | Brandywine | Fish Products Co. | fishing boat | 198 | 130 | 27 Apr 1950 | scuttled 2001 |
196 | 259924 | Shrewsbury | Fish Products Co. | fishing boat | 198 | 130 | 26 May 1950 | later cargo vessel Arelis |
197 | 259410 | Resolute | Baker-Whiteley Towing | tugboat | 199 | 95 | 16 Mar 1950 | later David McAllister, Ocean King |
198 | 260197 | Franklin | City of Philadelphia | fireboat | 81 | 79 | 18 May 1950 | |
199 | 260357 | Delaware | City of Philadelphia | fireboat | 81 | 79 | 23 Jun 1950 | in reserve 2007 |
200 | Capt. Crotty | Port of Houston | fireboat | 81 | 79 | 4 Jul 1950 | retired 1983 | |
201 | Israel | Kabait | Govt. of Israel | fireboat | 81 | 79 | 13 Jul 1950 | |
202 | 260038 | East Hampton | Fish Products Co. | fishing boat | 198 | 130 | 8 Jun 1950 | later Leisnit |
203 | 261429 | Indian River | Fish Products Co. | fishing boat | 198 | 130 | 8 May 1951 | later Amelie I, lost 1995 |
204 | 261897 | Rehoboth | Fish Products Co. | fishing boat | 198 | 130 | 22 May 1951 | lost 1994 |
205 | 262042 | Nantucket | Smith Meal Co. | fishing boat | 227 | 140 | 10 Jun 1951 | later Florida Sun, Wilny Express, Ocean Bay, Intra Pride, NLD |
206 | 262584 | Maidstone | Smith Meal Co. | fishing boat | 227 | 140 | 1951 | later John Marvin, sunk off NJ 1992 |
207 | 262886 | Tamaqua | Reading Railroad | tugboat | 245 | 104 | 1951 | later J Barton Greer, Nonie, J K McLean, Signet Defender, Edith Thornton, Chassidy (Guyana) |
208 | 263382 | Shamokin | Reading Railroad | tugboat | 188 | 104 | 1952 | later Russell B. Murray |
209 | 263176 | Pottsville | Reading Railroad | tugboat | 147 | 104 | 1952 | later Michael J McAllister, William A Weber, American Endeavor, Beverly B, Valviria (Panama) |
210 | 262196 | Ellis A. Gimbel | City of Philadelphia | tugboat | 78 | 62 | 1951 | later E Homan Stroud, Gar-Den S, for sale 2016 |
211 | 262699 | Alex M | Fish Products Co. | passenger | 12 | 36 | 1951 | NLD |
212 | 264321 | Liberty | Central RR of NJ | tugboat | 233 | 104 | 8 Sep 1952 | later J W Phipps Jr, Walter J Tuohy, M I Dunn, James M Witte, Theresa S. Krause |
213 | 264578 | Sandy Hook | Central RR of NJ | tugboat | 233 | 104 | 8 Nov 1952 | later Fall River, Elizabeth Krause, Elizabeth (Jamaica) |
214 | 264785 | Sound Shore | Central RR of NJ | tugboat | 233 | 104 | 9 Jan 1953 | later Wm. H. McAllister, scrapped 2003 |
215 | 265021 | Communipaw | Central RR of NJ | tugboat | 233 | 104 | 6 Mar 1953 | later James E Kusik, J Speed Gray, Brian F, Mack Point, NLD |
216 | 265167 | Roy B. White | B. & O. Railroad | tugboat | 238 | 104 | 27 Mar 1953 | later Hercules |
217 | 265390 | Howard E. Simpson | B. & O. Railroad | tugboat | 234 | 104 | 6 May 1953 | later Douglas F, Leonard J, scrapped 2006 |
218 | 265799 | William C. Baker | B. & O. Railroad | tugboat | 238 | 103 | 25 Jun 1953 | later Jeanne C, J L Krause, Espirito (Bolivia) |
219 | 266173 | Walter L. Price | B. & O. Railroad | tugboat | 238 | 104 | 28 Aug 1953 | later Walter J Tuohy, Carol Wales, Scooby Doo, lost 2008 |
220 | 265528 | Moriches | Fish Products Co. | fishing boat | 199 | 130 | 20 May 1953 | reefed Gulf of Mexico, ca. 1976 |
221 | 267714 | Winter Quarter | Fish Products Co. | fishing boat | 199 | 87 | 20 May 1954 | |
222 | 266683 | Lehigh | Reading Railroad | tugboat | 169 | 87 | 2 Dec 1953 | later Craig Smith, Leo |
223 | 266934 | Schuylkill | Reading Railroad | tugboat | 169 | 87 | 22 Jan 1954 | later Blue B |
224 | 267129 | Delaware | Reading Railroad | tugboat | 169 | 87 | 26 Feb 1954 | later Big Daddy |
225 | 267350 | Brandywine | Reading Railroad | tugboat | 169 | 87 | 2 Apr 1954 | |
226 | 267824 | Amagansett | Smith Meal Co. | fishing boat | 226 | 140 | 28 May 1954 | sank 1964 |
227 | 268826 | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania RR Co. | tugboat | 292 | 105 | 16 Dec 1954 | later Northampton, yacht Yemitzis. |
228 | 269169 | Chicago | Pennsylvania RR Co. | tugboat | 292 | 103 | 14 Mar 1955 | later Staten Island, Accomack, Cape Rosier, scrapped 2012 |
229 | 268668 | Seven Islands | Fish Products Co. | tank barge | 265 | 133 | 28 Oct 1954 | |
230 | 269525 | Parramore Banks | Fish Products Co. | fishing boat | 198 | 130 | 14 May 1955 | NLD |
231 | 269649 | Napeague | Smith Meal Co. | fishing boat | 231 | 162 | 27 May 1955 | later cargo Miss Shandeline, Miss Shandy Express, St. Andre, Miss Shandy Express |
232 | 270572 | Holland | Baker-Whiteley Towing | tugboat | 187 | 95 | 17 Nov 1955 | later Barbara McAllister, scuttled 2004 |
233 | 270553 | Mary J. Sheridan | Sheridan Towing Co. | barge | 2,168 | 262 | 11 Nov 1955 | later Montis |
234 | 272398 | Mayor Thomas D'Alesandro | City of Baltimore | fireboat | 149 | 100 | 12 Sep 1956 | NLD |
235 | 272746 | Morania Marlin | Morania Corp. | tanker | 1,068 | 217 | 17 Nov 1956 | later Bonnie B, Alisa A, NLD |
236 | 273952 | Dalzell 1 | New Haven Transport | tugboat | 214 | 96 | 15 May 1957 | later Lacey 1, David McAllister, NLD |
237 | 274443 | Dalzell 2 | New Haven Transport | tugboat | 214 | 96 | 2 Jul 1957 | later Lacey 2, Michael J McAllister, Rachel Rae, Blacksmith III, NLD |
238 | 274845 | Dalzell 3 | New Haven Transport | tugboat | 214 | 96 | 4 Sep 1957 | later Lacey 3, Timothy McAllister, scuttled 2007 |
239 | 276371 | Morania Abaco | Morania Corp. | tanker | 1,173 | 260 | 21 Apr 1958 | reefed off NJ 1985 |
240 | 277742 | Wilfred M. Sheridan | Sheridan Transport | barge | 3,216 | 305 | 10 Nov 1958 | later General 6000, American Gulf VI, COV Thor |
241 | Dredge #127 | USACE | dredge | 120 | 10 Apr 1959 | reconstruction of dredge Commodore | ||
242 | Derrick Boat #12 | USACE | derrick boat | 66 | 21 Nov 1958 | |||
243 | 280088 | Port Welcome | Maryland Port Auth. | passenger | 91 | 122 | 24 Nov 1959 | later MV Ocean Club |
244 | 283028 | Virginia C | State of Delaware | ferry | 35 | 65 | 27 Feb 1961 | sold 2008 |