RTC Shipbuilding

Camden NJ

RTC Shipbuilding was formed in March 1940 by three senior employees of John H. Mathis & Co., L. M. Robinson, G. R. Taylor and J. P. Carson, whose initials are the basis for the company's name. The yard was located at Delaware Avenue and State Street: it is now Cooper's Poynt Park. It is immediately to the south of the old Mathis yard, which is now used by Weeks Marine. RTC's first ship was designated Hull 131: they built it at the same time as Mathis was building its own Hull 131, suggesting that the two yards set out to be direct competitors from day one. RTC closed in 1961, the same year that Mathis closed. The Independence Seaport Museum in Philadelphia has a collection of material from RTC including plans, specifications, photographs, and other related items from the 1930s to the 1960s: visit phillyseaport.org to find out more.

1000 ft
2000 ft
O/N Name Customer Type GT LOA Delivered Notes
131 174837 Hygrade No. 4 Tanker Hygrade Inc. tank barge 1,044 209 30 Jul 1940 later Red Star 200, NLD
132 174860 Hygrade No. 5 Tanker Hygrade Inc. tank barge 1,044 209 12 Sep 1940 later Red Star 201, NLD
133 240719 Amboy Pennsylvania RR tugboat 354 111 4 Nov 1940
134 240304 Geo. Whitlock Geo. Whitlock Inc. tanker 515 151 24 Feb 1941 to USN 1941 as YO-57, sold 1947 as J. A. Cummings, Nepco 10 1965, Karen Tibbetts 1970, Mary Gately 1984, barge Atco Mary Lee 1990, Fayou K. 1992, Nori 1993, deleted 2001
135 240555 F. W. Lloyd Geo. Whitlock Inc. tanker 515 151 21 May 1941 to USN 1941 as YO-60, sunk as target 1975
136 240961 T. W. Drennen Ira S. Bushey tanker 1737 252 3 Oct 1941 to USA QMS-1942, deleted 1951
137 241204 John B. Caddell Chester A. Poling Inc. tanker 712 185 13 Dec 1941 to USN 1942 as YO-140, sold 1946 as John B. Caddell, wrecked 2012 in Hurricane Sandy
138 241390 Geo. Whitlock II Geo. Whitlock Inc. tanker 987 214 28 Feb 1942 later Reliable II 1990, scrapped 2005
139 241603 A. C. Dodge A. C. Dodge Inc. tanker 987 214 9 May 1942 collision off Reedy Point and blew up 25-May-52
140 Gauger (YO-55) US Navy tanker 1,295 235 28 Sep 1942 scrapped 1974
141 Pumper (YO-56) US Navy tanker 1,295 235 28 Nov 1942 to France 1944 as Lac Tonle Sap (A-630), sunk as target 1989
142 Derrick (YO-57) US Navy tanker 1,295 235 24 Dec 1942 to Korea 1955 as Paek Yeon (AO-5), sold as Hwa Chon
143 Anticline (YO-62) US Navy tanker 1,295 235 19 Apr 1943 to France 1944 as Lac Chambon (A-629), sunk as target 1974
144 Syncline (YO-63) US Navy tanker 1,295 235 25 Jun 1943 to France 1945 as Lac Tchad (A-631), sank 1972
145 YO-69 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 8 Sep 1943 scrapped 1975
146 YO-70 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 19 Oct 1943 sold 1973 as Ocean Fighter, Mini-One, Carib 1, lost 1991
147 YO-71 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 7 Dec 1943 struck 1946, fate unknown
148 YO-72 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 18 Jan 1944 sold 1974, Olive Oyl, Caribbean Tanker, Laura del Mar, Leticia del Mar (Ecuador)
149 YO-113 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 15 Feb 1944 scrapped 1974
150 YO-114 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 17 Mar 1944 scrapped 1974
151 YO-115 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 18 Apr 1944 to the Philippines 1945
152 YO-116 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 26 May 1944 to the Philippines 1945
153 YO-117 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 28 Jun 1944 later Y-482, then Timor Bharu (Indonesia)
154 YO-118 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 8 Aug 1944 to Korea 1946 as Ku Kyong (YO-1)
155 YO-171 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 15 Nov 1944 to Peru 1981 as Gauden (ACP 119)
156 YO-172 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 14 Dec 1944 scrapped 1974
157 YO-173 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 22 Jan 1945 to the Philippines 1945 as Lake Naujan (YO-43)
158 YOG-56 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 13 Feb 1945 to Vietnam 1975 as HQ-475
159 YOG-57 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 20 Mar 1945 sunk as target 1977
160 YOG-58 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 20 Apr 1945 reefed off NJ 2000
161 293366 YOG-86 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 3 Jul 1945 sold 1977 as fishboat Polar Shell, Chief, St Matthew, lost 1994
162 YOG-87 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 31 Jul 1945 sold 1981 as Petro Venture (Panama), deleted 2010
163 YOG-88 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 28 Aug 1945 sold 2001, Apolo (Mexico)
164 YOG-89 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 20 Sep 1945 sunk as target 1976
165 604676 YOG-90 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 31 Oct 1945 sold for scrap 1974, but rebuilt & documented as Alyeska, Polar Enterprise, Polar Wind, Blue North, Caribbean Soul
166 617019 YOG-91 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 29 Nov 1945 later YO-248, sold as fishboat Dolphin, freight barge
167 YOG-92 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 Feb 1946 cancelled but subsequently completed, sold ~1981, Petrostar VII (Saudi Arabia)
168 YOG-93 US Navy tanker 1,295 174 Feb 1946 cancelled but completed, IX-523, reefed off DE 2007
171 251392 W. A. Weber W. A. Weber, Inc. tanker 616 163 21 Jan 1947 scrapped 1975
172 176732 Hygrade No. 8 Hygrade Oil Co. tank barge 1,495 294 28 Jul 1946 NLD
173 250807 Hygrade No. 14 Hygrade Oil Co. tank barge 1,495 294 23 Oct 1946 later Ocean Burning No. 34, NLD
174 252977 Hygrade No. 26 Hygrade Oil Co. tank barge 1,054 210 3 Jul 1947 later MPE 275, NLD
175 253241 Crab Island Fish Products Co. tank barge 171 98 22 Jul 1947 later M.P.T 175 later Simec Basques, Ocean Basques - Canada ON 815636
176 Fish Products Co. tank barge 981 40 24 Jul 1947 later Simec Basques
177 253996 Hygrade No. 28 Hygrade Oil Co. tank barge 1,054 210 24 Oct 1947 later Ocean Burning No. 28
178 254394 Socony No. 125 Socony Oil Co. tank barge 1,036 218 31 Dec 1947 NLD
179 254603 Socony No. 126 Socony Oil Co. tank barge 1,036 218 14 Feb 1948 NLD
180 255053 Socony No. 127 Socony Oil Co. tank barge 1,036 218 16 Apr 1948 NLD
181 255758 Socony No. 128 Socony Oil Co. tank barge 1,036 218 2 Jul 1948 NLD
182 253242 Little George Fish Products Co. work boat 11 36 15 Jul 1947 NLD
183 255385 Barnegat Fish Products Co. fishing boat 178 120 23 May 1948 scrapped 1995
184 256216 Brigantine Fish Products Co. fishing boat 178 120 21 Aug 1948 later Nils S, reefed off NJ 1989
185 256816 Bernard Samuel City of Philadelphia fireboat 77 75 10 Nov 1948 sold 2009
186 257192 Manasquan Fish Products Co. fishing boat 178 120 16 Feb 1949 later Abraham, ABD Express, lost 1994
187 255550 Little Egg Fish Products Co. barge 171 98 27 Jun 1948 NLD
188 259079 Newark Pennsylvania RR Co. tugboat 147 98 19 Dec 1949 later Captain Frank, Lewis G Seabrook, NLD
189 257543 Beach Haven Fish Products Co. fishing boat 177 120 15 Apr 1949 reefed off NJ 1992
190 257665 Sea Girt Fish Products Co. fishing boat 177 120 23 May 1949 lost 1995
191 257967 Shinnecock Smith Meal Co. fishing boat 306 146 10 Jun 1949
192 258001 Montauk Smith Meal Co. fishing boat 306 146 13 Jun 1949 later cargo vessel Son of David, NLD
193 258135 Little Gull Fish Products Co. fishing boat 198 130 30 Jun 1949 NLD
194 258419 Absecon Fish Products Co. fishing boat 198 130 4 Aug 1949 later Carters Creek, reefed off NJ 2021
195 259759 Brandywine Fish Products Co. fishing boat 198 130 27 Apr 1950 scuttled 2001
196 259924 Shrewsbury Fish Products Co. fishing boat 198 130 26 May 1950 later cargo vessel Arelis
197 259410 Resolute Baker-Whiteley Towing tugboat 199 95 16 Mar 1950 later David McAllister, Ocean King
198 260197 Franklin City of Philadelphia fireboat 81 79 18 May 1950
199 260357 Delaware City of Philadelphia fireboat 81 79 23 Jun 1950 in reserve 2007
200 Capt. Crotty Port of Houston fireboat 81 79 4 Jul 1950 retired 1983
201 Israel Kabait Govt. of Israel fireboat 81 79 13 Jul 1950
202 260038 East Hampton Fish Products Co. fishing boat 198 130 8 Jun 1950 later Leisnit
203 261429 Indian River Fish Products Co. fishing boat 198 130 8 May 1951 later Amelie I, lost 1995
204 261897 Rehoboth Fish Products Co. fishing boat 198 130 22 May 1951 lost 1994
205 262042 Nantucket Smith Meal Co. fishing boat 227 140 10 Jun 1951 later Florida Sun, Wilny Express, Ocean Bay, Intra Pride, NLD
206 262584 Maidstone Smith Meal Co. fishing boat 227 140 1951 later John Marvin, sunk off NJ 1992
207 262886 Tamaqua Reading Railroad tugboat 245 104 1951 later J Barton Greer, Nonie, J K McLean, Signet Defender, Edith Thornton, Chassidy (Guyana)
208 263382 Shamokin Reading Railroad tugboat 188 104 1952 later Russell B. Murray
209 263176 Pottsville Reading Railroad tugboat 147 104 1952 later Michael J McAllister, William A Weber, American Endeavor, Beverly B, Valviria (Panama)
210 262196 Ellis A. Gimbel City of Philadelphia tugboat 78 62 1951 later E Homan Stroud, Gar-Den S, for sale 2016
211 262699 Alex M Fish Products Co. passenger 12 36 1951 NLD
212 264321 Liberty Central RR of NJ tugboat 233 104 8 Sep 1952 later J W Phipps Jr, Walter J Tuohy, M I Dunn, James M Witte, Theresa S. Krause
213 264578 Sandy Hook Central RR of NJ tugboat 233 104 8 Nov 1952 later Fall River, Elizabeth Krause, Elizabeth (Jamaica)
214 264785 Sound Shore Central RR of NJ tugboat 233 104 9 Jan 1953 later Wm. H. McAllister, scrapped 2003
215 265021 Communipaw Central RR of NJ tugboat 233 104 6 Mar 1953 later James E Kusik, J Speed Gray, Brian F, Mack Point, NLD
216 265167 Roy B. White B. & O. Railroad tugboat 238 104 27 Mar 1953 later Hercules
217 265390 Howard E. Simpson B. & O. Railroad tugboat 234 104 6 May 1953 later Douglas F, Leonard J, scrapped 2006
218 265799 William C. Baker B. & O. Railroad tugboat 238 103 25 Jun 1953 later Jeanne C, J L Krause, Espirito (Bolivia)
219 266173 Walter L. Price B. & O. Railroad tugboat 238 104 28 Aug 1953 later Walter J Tuohy, Carol Wales, Scooby Doo, lost 2008
220 265528 Moriches Fish Products Co. fishing boat 199 130 20 May 1953 reefed Gulf of Mexico, ca. 1976
221 267714 Winter Quarter Fish Products Co. fishing boat 199 87 20 May 1954
222 266683 Lehigh Reading Railroad tugboat 169 87 2 Dec 1953 later Craig Smith, Leo
223 266934 Schuylkill Reading Railroad tugboat 169 87 22 Jan 1954 later Blue B
224 267129 Delaware Reading Railroad tugboat 169 87 26 Feb 1954 later Big Daddy
225 267350 Brandywine Reading Railroad tugboat 169 87 2 Apr 1954
226 267824 Amagansett Smith Meal Co. fishing boat 226 140 28 May 1954 sank 1964
227 268826 Philadelphia Pennsylvania RR Co. tugboat 292 105 16 Dec 1954 later Northampton, yacht Yemitzis.
228 269169 Chicago Pennsylvania RR Co. tugboat 292 103 14 Mar 1955 later Staten Island, Accomack, Cape Rosier, scrapped 2012
229 268668 Seven Islands Fish Products Co. tank barge 265 133 28 Oct 1954
230 269525 Parramore Banks Fish Products Co. fishing boat 198 130 14 May 1955 NLD
231 269649 Napeague Smith Meal Co. fishing boat 231 162 27 May 1955 later cargo Miss Shandeline, Miss Shandy Express, St. Andre, Miss Shandy Express
232 270572 Holland Baker-Whiteley Towing tugboat 187 95 17 Nov 1955 later Barbara McAllister, scuttled 2004
233 270553 Mary J. Sheridan Sheridan Towing Co. barge 2,168 262 11 Nov 1955 later Montis
234 272398 Mayor Thomas D'Alesandro City of Baltimore fireboat 149 100 12 Sep 1956 NLD
235 272746 Morania Marlin Morania Corp. tanker 1,068 217 17 Nov 1956 later Bonnie B, Alisa A, NLD
236 273952 Dalzell 1 New Haven Transport tugboat 214 96 15 May 1957 later Lacey 1, David McAllister, NLD
237 274443 Dalzell 2 New Haven Transport tugboat 214 96 2 Jul 1957 later Lacey 2, Michael J McAllister, Rachel Rae, Blacksmith III, NLD
238 274845 Dalzell 3 New Haven Transport tugboat 214 96 4 Sep 1957 later Lacey 3, Timothy McAllister, scuttled 2007
239 276371 Morania Abaco Morania Corp. tanker 1,173 260 21 Apr 1958 reefed off NJ 1985
240 277742 Wilfred M. Sheridan Sheridan Transport barge 3,216 305 10 Nov 1958 later General 6000, American Gulf VI, COV Thor
241 Dredge #127 USACE dredge 120 10 Apr 1959 reconstruction of dredge Commodore
242 Derrick Boat #12 USACE derrick boat 66 21 Nov 1958
243 280088 Port Welcome Maryland Port Auth. passenger 91 122 24 Nov 1959 later MV Ocean Club
244 283028 Virginia C State of Delaware ferry 35 65 27 Feb 1961 sold 2008

Printed from shipbuildinghistory.njscuba.net