Pacific Boatbuilding

Tacoma WA

Pacific Boatbuilding was founded in 1937 by Arne Strom and Haldor Dahl, who were also co-owners of Tacoma Boatbuilding. The yard was at 759 Port of Tacoma Road, where the container terminal is now. In 1945 John & Robert Brescovich, the owners of Puget Sound Boatbuilding, bought it and started a pleasure boat division, producing small aluminium cruisers up to about 30 ft long, with production of larger vessels then being concentrated at Puget Sound Boatbuilding.

1000 ft
2000 ft
O/N Name Customer Type Tons LOA Built Notes
241146 Cape Flattery C., L. & S. Jangard fishing boat 102 71 1941 later Bebop
241744 Oceanic Oceanic Fisheries fishing boat 117 75 1942
241745 Victory fishing boat 117 75 1942
242056 Corregidor J. Jerkovich fishing boat 119 75 1942
YC-865 US Navy open lighter 138 110 1942
YC-866 US Navy open lighter 138 110 1942
YC-867 US Navy open lighter 138 110 1942
YC-868 US Navy open lighter 138 110 1942
YC-869 US Navy open lighter 138 110 1942 lost 1945
YC-870 US Navy open lighter 138 110 1942
YC-871 US Navy open lighter 138 110 1942
YC-872 US Navy open lighter 138 110 1942
243318 Shield recreational 20 38 1943
TP-231 US Army harbor tugboat 97 1944 later Sea Giant, La Brise, Seaspan Breeze, Breeze (Canada)
TP-232 US Army harbor tugboat 97 1944 sold 1948 as Helena, Mac Cluer 1953
ST-381 US Army tugboat 73 11/1943 - 3/1944
ST-382 US Army tugboat 73 11/1943 - 3/1944
ST-383 US Army tugboat 73 11/1943 - 3/1944
ST-384 US Army tugboat 73 11/1943 - 3/1944
ST-385 US Army tugboat 73 11/1943 - 3/1944
ST-386 US Army tugboat 73 11/1943 - 3/1944
ST-468 US Army tugboat 73 1/1944 - 3/1944
ST-469 US Army tugboat 73 1/1944 - 3/1944
ST-470 US Army tugboat 73 1/1944 - 3/1944
ST-471 US Army tugboat 73 1/1944 - 3/1944
ST-472 US Army tugboat 73 1/1944 - 3/1944
ST-473 US Army tugboat 73 1/1944 - 3/1944
BSP-3131 US Army barge, SP 88 12/1944 - 3/1945
BSP-3132 US Army barge, SP 88 12/1944 - 3/1945
BSP-3133 US Army barge, SP 88 12/1944 - 3/1945
246212 Liberator fishing boat 163 78 1944 later Pioneer [USCG: builder Bert Broback]
246595 Sea Spray fishing boat 135 78 1944 later Southern Explorer, existence in doubt 1991
1108121 Barren Islands fishing boat 145 81 1944
249559 Dorothea fishing boat 199 82 1945
Fanney Govt. of Iceland fishing boat 85 1945
250121 Tacoma fishing boat 112 71 1946 later Northwyn, Tacoma
New Esperia fishing boat 1946
Sun Rocket Sun Harbor Packing fishing boat 112 1946
Sun Voyager Sun Harbor Packing fishing boat 112 1947
Sun King Sun Harbor Packing fishing boat 269 112 1947 lost 1986
Johnny B fishing boat 145 81 1948
255962 Julia B Spiro Babich fishing boat 67 62 1948 later Highlander, Sarah Hannah
Pan Pacific Andrew Kuliis fishing boat 103 1948
Pacific fishing boat 1949
257604 Dreamland Paul Martinis fishing boat 75 66 1949
258175 Maria Rose Mato Ivanovich fishing boat 55 50 1949 later Mount Pavlof
260225 New Georgia Tony & John Kuliis fishing boat 40 50 1950 later Little Lady, Ilse, Lively Jane
524645 John M. Manning F & W S research 86 1950 sold c1970 as R B Hendrickson, sank 1979
29 MSC-116 Bleuet French Navy minesweeper 390 10 Nov 1953 M-670, sold 1983
MSC-117 Eglantine French Navy minesweeper 390 16 Feb 1954 M-675, scrapped 1985
MSC-118 Glycine French Navy minesweeper 390 7 Apr 1954 M-679, scrapped 1985

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