Paasch Marine Services

Erie PA

John D. Paasch, the son of a shipbuilder from Kiel, started this business in 1866 and was followed in 1893 by his sons, William, Fred and John, who named the enterprise Paasch Bros. Boat Works. In 1947, Harold Paassch took over and changed the name to Paasch Marine Services: it closed in 1980, after his death. The yard was in the east canal basin, at the foot of State Street, right in the center of downtown Erie.

1000 ft
2000 ft
O/N Name Customer Type GT LOA Built Notes
Built by Paasch Bros. Boat Works
204350 Presque Isle passenger 41 61 1907 abandoned 1933
205389 Mars tugboat 29 62 1911 abandoned 1938
208838 Atlas fish tugboat 33 60 1911 abandoned 1936
213162 Edward K tugboat 44 65 1915 abandoned 1942
214319 Despatch fish tugboat 16 47 1916 later Atlantis, destroyed by storm 1958
Built by Paasch Marine Services
251939 Robert & Richard J. J. Parris fish tugboat 66 56 1947 later Susie Q
252010 Judy Meigs J. Grow fish tugboat 13 36 1947
253549 Flying Duck passenger 7 38 1947
G-4 Goff & Sons fish tugboat 57 1947
255805 Joetta fish tugboat 13 37 1948 NLD
255827 Betty Mae Buckeye Fisheries fish tugboat 15 40 1948 later Rae Ann
256582 Favorite fish tugboat 17 37 1948 NLD
256657 Ronnie - S. fish tugboat 14 36 1948
257367 Big Bertha Steve Horvath fish tugboat 14 38 1949 NLD
257809 Esther A fish tugboat 13 37 1949 NLD
258117 Widgeon Genesee Marina Inc tugboat 13 37 1949 later Helix, Aquatic I
258486 Rose fish tugboat 13 37 1949
258721 Sea King Dissen & Juhn Corp. tugboat 14 36 1949
258859 J. W. Westcott II J. W. Westcott Co. passenger 14 44 1949 sank off River Rouge 2001 but recovered and reactivated
258953 Favorite Too fish tugboat 17 37 1949
259462 Brenda T Circle Fish Co. freighter 9 45 1950 later Shannon, NLD
259463 Avis J Barcelona Fish Co. fish tugboat 12 50 1950 NLD
31 259635 Ada John Skrovan oil recovery 19 45 1950 later Sancho, Sancho Diver
260415 Nellie III John D. Ross research 18 48 1950 later Buffalo Port, Little Toot, Environaut
260603 Captain Jim II Stephen Milewski fish tugboat 8 44 1950 later Hunter R.V., See Diver
261453 Dorothy B John J. Brice fish tugboat 18 40 1951 later Betty J. III, St. Paul, Judy, Pam Marie, Sally Jo Irwin
261489 Ethel S fish tugboat 17 37 1951
262642 Big Ben fish tugboat 17 37 1951 NLD
262768 Favorite Won Kfloe Ltd yacht 17 39 1951
263286 Reliance II tugboat 17 37 1951 NLD
263288 Whip fish tugboat 17 37 1952
264006 Cedar Point G. A. Boeckling Co. passenger 11 59 1952 later Arrow, Pocahontas II, Nightingale
265733 James Morick unclassified 28 48 1952
55 265221 Nip fish tugboat 17 38 1953
265732 Cedar Point II G. A. Boeckling Co. passenger 12 59 1953 later Dispatch, Sawmill Explorer
266890 Paul A. Schoellkopf Niagara Mohawk Power tugboat 50 54 1953 later Tug No. 2, Mell C
267220 ship fish tugboat 14 36 1954
268238 Wan-El Wan-El Marine Services passenger 7 45 1954 later Edward John
268373 The Clevelander City of Cleveland fire tugboat 28 58 1954
268635 My-Favorite Favorite Fisheries fish tugboat 17 37 1954 later yacht Felia F, Lady of Commerce
269845 Three Sons John E. Lampe tugboat 10 37 1955 later Pilot
269888 Huron Arnold Transit Company passenger 99 86 1955
660323 K. Sea Underwater Construction Corp unclassified 18 51 1957
276850 Portlaw yacht 14 42 1958 later Masker, NLD
Perca Penna. Fish & Boat Comm. police boat 20 50 1959 (PAFBC research vessel on Lake Erie)
278860 Ottawa Arnold Transit Company passenger 81 91 1959 later Diamond Queen
279864 Tonne Henry W. Luetkemeyer yacht 55 51 1959 later Mesoma III, NLD 1977
132 281386 Good Time II Goodtime Transit recreational 81 85 1960 later Liberty Belle II, Vegas in Venice, Pair-o-Dice
281864 American Venus International Boat Tours Inc. passenger 93 65 1960 later Miss Christin
569528 Capn Nelson Smith Brothers Inc tugboat 31 50 1960 NLD
137 290776 Anthony J Celebrezze City of Cleveland fireboat 42 61 1961
Caltex Lumba Lumba Caltex passenger 101 75 1961 later Canadian II, Bella Bella
139 286075 Algomah Arnold Transit Company passenger 81 85 1961
140 287494 Island Beach Town of Greenwich CT passenger 87 66 1961
141 288825 Chippewa Arnold Transit Company passenger 81 84 1962
289133 Courthouse yacht 56 54 1962 NLD
294407 Calypso II Caneel Bay Plantation passenger 72 62 1963 NLD
150 Sentinel I (a) USACE patrol boat 54 1964 reefed off NY 2019
151 Sentinel II USACE patrol boat 54 1964 later Dakota, active in Galena KS
153 295280 American Neptune International Boat Tours Inc. passenger 82 65 1964 later Island Hopper, Miss Clayton III, Express Shuttle
297174 Grey Ghost Vanderburgh Johnstone yacht 62 64 1964 later Randy VI
156 Laidly USACE survey boat 54 1967
157 502757 Peggity yacht 19 40 1965 to NZ registry 1988, Pegasus III
158 Nanticoke II passenger 1965
159 1136729 Haendel USACE survey boat 22 45 1965
161 W. J. Williams cruiser 1967
298405 Capt Esco Dredge & Fill tugboat 26 47 1965 later Anna, Jeanne G
1091846 Frank Dunham Albany Port District Commission police boat 32 65 1966 later Spirit of Albany
523525 Big Lou Maryland Dept. of Chesapeake Affairs tugboat 26 50 1967
517294 Capt Erie Navigation tugboat 27 47 1968 later Big Toot, Gene, Robert Steers
517409 Jacksonville St. Johns Bar Pilots pilot boat 38 53 1968 later Tampa
1051505 Carina Richard S. Nye sloop 21 48 1969
1072285 Northwestern Northwestern Michigan College 36 56 1969
169 527751 H. J. Elser Maryland Dept. of Chesapeake Affairs tugboat 32 49 1969
170 North Central USACE survey boat 54 1969
529121 Mayjac yacht 56 63 1970
1092215 Knight Life Dependable Marine Services passenger 19 42 1971 NLD
532245 Legend yacht 28 46 1971 NLD
536306 Georgetta George E. Sarant yacht 99 62 1971 later St. Gennaro
179 536942 Ursa Treasure Coast Yacht Charters passenger 58 63 1971
181 541389 American Adonis II International Boat Tours Inc. passenger 82 65 1972 Island Princess, NLD
549596 Tortue Marion Osborne Black yacht 17 44 1973 (U.K.)
550877 Cecil II Maryland Dept. of Nat. Res. police boat 13 31 1973 retired in 1980s
Frances Bellamy Port of Tampa fireboat 68 1974
188 560341 Port Endeavor Maryland Dept. of Transportation passenger 43 44 1974
189 566192 Port Reliance Maryland Dept. of Transportation tugboat 13 34 1975
570754 Northern Exposure yacht 113 80 1975 later Indiscretion, Seaquel, Sur
577015 Magothy River Maryland Dept. of Nat. Res. police boat 15 31 1975
577016 Anne Arundel Maryland Dept. of Nat. Res. police boat 15 31 1976
577959 Wicomico Maryland Dept. of Nat. Res. police boat 15 31 1976 retired in 1980s
611119 Joann M Munch Fisheries fish tugboat 18 50 1980 NLD

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