Well, it's that time of year again, time to renew the web hosting. And for those of you that don't know, that has become a lot more expensive than it used to be. Fifty dollars a year is now several hundred. Not to mention the price of domain names has gone up ten-fold.

And I just found out that the nice folks at PayPal disabled all my Support buttons, and I never got a notice (although that may be my fault.) In any case, it is all working again now, so if you would like to make a small donation to help defray these costs, it would be greatly appreciated.

Missouri Valley Bridge

Leavenworth KS

The Missouri Valley Bridge & Iron Company's shipyard in Leavenworth KS, on the Missouri River, was built for the war effort but continued after the war. Thanks to Zack Hayman for providing its post-war construction record.

1000 ft
2000 ft
O/N Name Customer Type GT Built Notes
LCT(5)-268 US Navy landing craft 135 Sep 1942
LCT(5)-269 US Navy landing craft 135 Sep 1942 to Britain
LCT(5)-270 US Navy landing craft 135 Sep 1942 to Britain
LCT(5)-271 US Navy landing craft 135 Sep 1942
LCT(5)-272 US Navy landing craft 135 Sep 1942 to Britain
LCT(5)-273 US Navy landing craft 135 Oct 1942 to Britain
LCT(5)-274 US Navy landing craft 135 Oct 1942
LCT(5)-275 US Navy landing craft 135 Oct 1942 to Britain
LCT(5)-276 US Navy landing craft 135 Nov 1942
LCT(5)-277 US Navy landing craft 135 Nov 1942
LCT(5)-278 US Navy landing craft 135 Oct 1942
LCT(5)-279 US Navy landing craft 135 Nov 1942
LCT(5)-280 US Navy landing craft 135 Nov 1942
LCT(5)-281 US Navy landing craft 135 Dec 1942 to Britain
LCT(5)-282 US Navy landing craft 135 Dec 1942 to Britain
LCT(5)-283 US Navy landing craft 135 Dec 1942 to Britain
LCT(5)-284 US Navy landing craft 135 Dec 1942 to Britain
LCT(5)-285 US Navy landing craft 135 Dec 1942 to Britain
LCT(5)-286 US Navy landing craft 135 Dec 1942 to Britain
LCT(5)-287 US Navy landing craft 135 Dec 1942 to Britain
1060385 Bay Master Moss Construction towboat 54 135 NLD
242313 Dale Z Harry Zubik towboat 48 135 NLD
252954 Sandra Norman White dredge 294 135 NLD
253626 Sandcraft Lake S. & G. dredge 173 135 NLD
256679 Halliburton 209 Halliburton Co. crewboat 229 135 NLD
258789 Ersco Black William J. McKnight yacht 26 135 NLD
279884 Tom Cat Texas Gulf Construction towboat 28 135 NLD
280107 Polecat Texas Gulf Construction towboat 30 135 NLD
287656 Bobby Palmberg Construction towboat 33 135 NLD
501401 Cindy Midstream Holding freighter 40 135 NLD
527950 Lokalia American Workboats towboat 29 135
560087 Pt Orient Jasper Trading towboat 35 135 NLD
LCT(6)-763 US Navy landing craft 143 Dec 1943 to Greece 1959
LCT(6)-764 US Navy landing craft 143 Dec 1943 later YFU-14
LCT(6)-765 US Navy landing craft 143 Jan 1944 to Denmark 1961
LCT(6)-766 US Navy landing craft 143 Jan 1944 to Greece 1959
LCT(6)-767 US Navy landing craft 143 Jan 1944
LCT(6)-768 US Navy landing craft 143 Jan 1944
LCT(6)-769 US Navy landing craft 143 Feb 1944
LCT(6)-770 US Navy landing craft 143 Feb 1944
LCT(6)-771 US Navy landing craft 143 Feb 1944
LCT(6)-772 US Navy landing craft 143 Feb 1944
LCT(6)-773 US Navy landing craft 143 Feb 1944
LCT(6)-774 US Navy landing craft 143 Mar 1944
LCT(6)-893 US Navy landing craft 143 Mar 1944
LCT(6)-894 US Navy landing craft 143 Mar 1944
LCT(6)-895 US Navy landing craft 143 Mar 1944
LCT(6)-896 US Navy landing craft 143 Apr 1944
LCT(6)-897 US Navy landing craft 143 Apr 1944
LCT(6)-898 US Navy landing craft 143 Apr 1944
LCT(6)-899 US Navy landing craft 143 Apr 1944
LCT(6)-900 US Navy landing craft 143 Apr 1944
LCT(6)-901 US Navy landing craft 143 Apr 1944
LCT(6)-902 US Navy landing craft 143 May 1944
LCT(6)-903 US Navy landing craft 143 May 1944
LCT(6)-904 US Navy landing craft 143 May 1944 to Thailand 1946
LCT(6)-905 US Navy landing craft 143 May 1944
LCT(6)-906 US Navy landing craft 143 May 1944
LCT(6)-907 US Navy landing craft 143 June 1944
LCT(6)-908 US Navy landing craft 143 June 1944
LCT(6)-909 US Navy landing craft 143 June 1944
LCT(6)-910 US Navy landing craft 143 June 1944
LCT(6)-911 US Navy landing craft 143 June 1944
LCT(6)-912 US Navy landing craft 143 July 1944
LCT(6)-913 US Navy landing craft 143 July 1944
LCT(6)-1278 US Navy landing craft 143 July 1944 to Taiwan 1959
LCT(6)-1279 US Navy landing craft 143 July 1944
LCT(6)-1280 US Navy landing craft 143 July 1944
LCT(6)-1281 US Navy landing craft 143 Aug 1944
LCT(6)-1282 US Navy landing craft 143 Aug 1944
LCT(6)-1283 US Navy landing craft 143 Aug 1944 later YFU-37
LCT(6)-1284 US Navy landing craft 143 Aug 1944
LCT(6)-1285 US Navy landing craft 143 Aug 1944
LCT(6)-1286 US Navy landing craft 143 Aug 1944 later YFU-38
LCT(6)-1287 US Navy landing craft 143 Aug 1944
LCT(6)-1288 US Navy landing craft 143 Aug 1944
YSD-76 US Navy seaplane derrick 135 1944
YSD-77 US Navy seaplane derrick 135 1944 sold 1984
YSD-78 US Navy seaplane derrick 135 1944 to USACE Wilmington 1967 as Snell
269274 Herman B Brown & Root offshore barge 2,012 135 NLD
285629 Humble CM-1 Humble Oil crewboat 31 135 NLD
285944 Solano River Lines towboat 102 135 NLD
289294 Nanuk Alex Flyum freighter 53 135
294738 Battens Bay Charles G. Adams oyster boat 16 135 NLD
542171 Carryall 3 The Dutra Group towboat 32 135
936017 Norton Sound Glacier Fish trawler 653 135
YFN-1054 US Navy lighter 135 31 Jul 1945 later YFNB-32, sold 2004, CCC 260
YFN-1055 US Navy lighter 261 135 later YFNB-33, OCP Seacon 1980, scrapped
YFN-1056 US Navy lighter 135 1 Aug 1945 later YFNB-34, sold 1997
YFN-1057 US Navy lighter 261 135
YFN-1058 US Navy lighter 261 135
YFN-1059 US Navy lighter 261 135
YFN-1060 US Navy lighter 261 135
YFN-1061 US Navy lighter 261 135
YFN-1062 US Navy lighter 135 1 May 1945 later YFNB-35, YPD-46, scrapped 1998
YFN-1063 US Navy lighter 135 1 May 1945 later YFNB-36, sold 2003
YFN-1064 US Navy lighter 261 135 later YFNB-37, YRB-30
YFN-1065 US Navy lighter 261 135 later YFNB-38 ?
YFN-1066 US Navy lighter 135 1 Aug 1945 later YFNB-39, sold 2003
YFN-1067 US Navy lighter 261 135 later YFNB-40 ?
YFN-1068 US Navy lighter 261 135
YF-859 US Navy freighter 135 23 Oct 1945
YF-860 US Navy freighter 135 26 Oct 1945
YF-861 US Navy freighter 135 29 Oct 1945 scrapped 1975
YF-862 US Navy freighter 135 1 Nov 1945 struck 1985
YF-863 US Navy freighter 135 5 Nov 1945 offshore Trend 1975, Cape Denbigh 1989
YF-864 US Navy freighter 135 8 Nov 1945 later Little Compton, scrapped 1974
YF-865 US Navy freighter 135 11 Nov 1945
YF-866 US Navy freighter 135 15 Nov 1945 later Kodiak, sunk as target 1988
YF-867 US Navy freighter 135 20 Nov 1945 scrapped 1974
YF-868 US Navy freighter 300 135
YF-869 US Navy freighter 300 135 scrapped 1974
YF-870 US Navy freighter 300 135
249626 Margaret Pine Bluff S. & G. towboat 15 135 NLD
256533 Georgia I Bar Harbor Lighterage freight barge 33 135 NLD
281204 Angela Maggioni & Co. freight barge 24 135 NLD
281590 567 Pac. Inland Nav. Co. freight barge 2,979 135 NLD
621200 Alaska Packer Trident Seafoods trawler 4,042 135
C-8 251425 Harvey McGeorge Missouri Valley Steel towboat 36 135
265791 Volturno Taylor S. & G. towboat 18 135 NLD
253921 N. T. & T. Co. No. 9 Norman Bros. freight barge 79 135 NLD
254498 Popeye Al Elam Construction towboat 14 135 NLD
255089 Martha J towboat 10 135 NLD
C-346 256338 Dolores Billie W. M. Pitrezyk excursion boat 73 135 later Kansas City River Queen, River Raft
C-444 F. W. Olcott Olcott Machine towboat 135
C-454 257071 John Thomas Massman Construction towboat 25 135
287227 No. 229 Markham & Brown freight barge 134 135 NLD
C-478 Pellissippi TVA Knoxville towboat 135
C-496 257740 Alton Norman Brothers towboat 30 135 later The Sandman
257741 St. Charles Norman Brothers dredge 47 135 NLD
C-752 269786 Carol Massman Construction towboat 31 135
C-871 259776 John W. Prince Hub Material, Inc. towboat 22 135
C-872 269750 Nebraska South Prairie, Inc. towboat 45 135
C-949 Hardy Roberts Olcott Machine towboat 135
C-1002 261934 Apache Western Constructio towboat 26 135 sunk in Australia
C-1043 260977 Anna Marie Jefferson City Sand towboat 17 135 NLD
Illini Norman Brothers towboat 135
C-1197 263464 Steve Rogers Massman Construction towboat 51 135 later Robert L, Christyn Renee, Voyager
282895 St. Louis Badgett Dredging dredge 352 135 NLD
C-1304-1 1144151 ST-1988 US Army tugboat 122 135 later Bemis Heights, sold 2001
C-1304-2 ST-1989 US Army tugboat 122 135 later Eutaw Springs, retired 1994
C-1304-3 ST-1990 US Army tugboat 122 135 later Mohawk Valley, retired 2001
C-1304-4 ST-1991 US Army tugboat 122 135 later Oriskany, retired 1994
C-1304-5 ST-1992 US Army tugboat 122 135
C-1304-6 ST-1993 US Army tugboat 122 135 later Cowpens, scrapped 2004
C-1304-7 ST-1994 US Army tugboat 122 135 to Portugal 1961 as RB 1, sold 1987 as Transmar
C-1304-8 ST-1995 US Army tugboat 122 135
C-1304-9 ST-1996 US Army tugboat 122 135
C-1304-10 ST-1997 US Army tugboat 122 135
C-1304-11 ST-1998 US Army tugboat 122 135
C-1304-12 907159 ST-1999 US Army tugboat 122 135 to USACE 1961 as Au Sable, sold as General
C-1304-13 ST-2000 US Army tugboat 122 135
C-1304-14 ST-2001 US Army tugboat 122 135
C-1304-15 ST-2002 US Army tugboat 122 135
C-1304-16 ST-2003 US Army tugboat 122 135
C-1304-17 ST-2004 US Army tugboat 122 135
C-1304-18 ST-2005 US Army tugboat 135 11 Jun 1954 to USACE 1961 as Rouge, sold, inactive
C-1304-19 ST-2006 US Army tugboat 135 10 Jun 1954
C-1304-20 ST-2007 US Army tugboat 135 22 Jun 1954
C-1304-21 ST-2008 US Army tugboat 135 7 Jul 1954
C-1304-22 ST-2009 US Army tugboat 135 27 Jul 1954
C-1304-23 ST-2010 US Army tugboat 135 5 Aug 1954
C-1304-24 ST-2011 US Army tugboat 135 16 Aug 1954 to USACE 1965 as Kenosha
C-1304-25 ST-2012 US Army tugboat 135 16 Aug 1954
C-1304-26 616352 ST-2013 US Army tugboat 135 17 Sep 1954 sold 1980 as John Henry
C-1304-27 ST-2014 US Army tugboat 135 24 Sep 1954
C-1304-28 1123333 ST-2015 US Army tugboat 122 135 to Coe 1962 as Duluth, sold 2001
265559 N-B-I-NO-12 Norman Bros. freight barge 141 135 NLD
265718 N-B-I-NO-13 Norman Bros. freight barge 141 135 NLD
C-1446 269751 Iowa Cunningham Kiewit towboat 38 135 later Molly Sue
273280 Clara Hughes Pittsburgh & Midway Coal freighter 30 135 NLD
287228 No. 328 Markham & Brown freight barge 134 135 NLD
C-1543 Delivered Mo. Valley Steel towboat 135
563387 T-453 US Army freighter 62 135 later Gator III, Cormorant, Silent Thunder
1031510 T-454 US Army freighter 62 135 later Nunatak, The General
T-455 US Army freighter 62 135 later R/V Schock (U of RI), no trace
C-1569 545066 T-456 US Army freighter 62 135 later Varsity, scrapped 2000
575240 T-457 US Army freighter 62 135 later Georgetown Pilot, Gayle Mary, sank off Freeport GB 1993
T-458 US Army freighter 62 135 later R/V Tursiops (FSU), no trace
T-459 US Army freighter 62 135 no trace
T-460 US Army freighter 62 135 later Donald P Hall, Benthos, Jane Yarn, reefed 2004
T-461 US Army freighter 62 135 later Intrepid Explorer, Nereid, Ray of Hope, live-aboard Notayot (Canada O.N. 814692)
T-462 US Army freighter 62 135 later Carlina, no trace (Nicaraguaa)
606670 T-463 US Army freighter 62 135 later La Tica
T-464 US Army freighter 62 135 no trace
T-465 US Army freighter 62 135 later Shenehon (NOAA), (Bayfield WI)
T-466 US Army freighter 62 135 scrapped
1121661 Griffin recreational 62 135 one of the T-boats listed abovea
293078 H J B 105 Caribtow Corp. freight barge 195 135 NLD
1030241 Hot Dog Grady Marine Construction towboat 76 135 later Bowditch
1070685 Yorktown Mclean Contracting Company towboat 87 135
C-1872 269771 Louis I Pentzien Inc. towboat 52 135
C-1905 269829 Billy Lynn W. A. Lynn Construction towboat 38 135 later Davy Crockett
C-1934 270445 Arapaho Western Construction towboat 52 135 sunk in Vietnam
C-1957 Cherokee Western Construction towboat 52 135
C-1999 272208 Chickasaw Western Construction towboat 52 135 sunk in Lake Huron
C-2001 271160 John James Massman Construction towboat 43 135 later Teresa T
C-2061 272016 Chas. J. Feeney Pioneer Sand towboat 36 135 later Tarkio
293125 Western Warrior Western Contracting dredge 456 135 NLD
295913 Lay Barge No. 5 Diamond Services dredge 437 135 later Ingram Dredge No. 1, NLD
C-2287 272936 C-2287 Markham & Brown freight barge 217 135 NLD
C-2288 272937 C-2288 Markham & Brown freight barge 217 135 NLD
C-2349 273930 Paul III Massman Construction towboat 24 135 later Soldier River
273655 Mountain State Great Lakes Dredge towboat 38 135 later Bernice, NLD
C-2356 273656 C-2356 Markham & Brown freight barge 217 135 NLD
C-2357 273657 C-2357 Markham & Brown freight barge 217 135 NLD
C-2358 Teresa Rodgers Markham & Brown towboat 135
C-2573 275456 C-2573 Markham & Brown freight barge 47 135 NLD
C-2578 275518 C-2578 Markham & Brown freight barge 65 135 NLD
286801 334 Markham & Brown freight barge 176 135 NLD
C-2652 Edna B John F. Beasley Constn. towboat 135
C-2680 277403 Mark Massman Construction towboat 36 135 later Lauren Lee
C-2688 278323 Pawnee Western Construction towboat 106 135
C-2689 278565 Sioux Western Construction towboat 106 135
C-2732 652575 Massie Lou Norman Brothers Co. towboat 19 135 later Bridgeman
C-2779 278306 Piasa Norman Brothers Co. towboat 62 135
C-2949 288655 Jo-Ann John F. Beasley Constn. towboat 15 135
284189 Western Hunter United States Leasing dredge 1,132 135 NLD
278720 Hank Massman Construction towboat 36 135 NLD
C-3153 639593 Master Pat John F. Beasley Constn. towboat 25 135 later Pile Driver
C-3204 283195 spud barge No. 7 C. F. Bean, Inc. dredge 429 135 later Derrick G.L. 83
278432 Western Eagle United States Leasing dredge 521 135 NLD
287233 Western Brave United States Leasing dredge 521 135
288050 Margie Massman Construction towboat 14 135 NLD
C-3280 285833 Natchez Mo. Pacific Railroad towboat 132 135 later Aaron Banta, Andy McKinney
C-3529 Mosan Mo. Valley Marine towboat 135 later Jo Lindsey
C-3600 287797 R. H. Huffman Huffman Towing towboat 366 135 NLD
C-1209 276871 Mo. Valley Mo. Valley Steel towboat 220 135 later Ashlee Jone
C-3940 291624 Dakota South Prairie Construction towboat 56 135
C-4122 292453 Senator John Arkola Sand & Gravel towboat 40 135
291136 MV-336 Miss. Valley Engineering freight barge 198 135
291137 MV-337 Miss. Valley Engineering freight barge 198 135
291138 MV-338 Miss. Valley Engineering freight barge 198 135
291139 MV-339 Miss. Valley Engineering freight barge 198 135
293494 MV-344 Miss. Valley Engineering freight barge 198 135
294447 MV-345 Miss. Valley Steel freight barge 198 135
294448 MV-346 Miss. Valley Steel freight barge 198 135
294449 MV-347 Miss. Valley Steel freight barge 198 135
294450 MV-348 Miss. Valley Steel freight barge 198 135
C-5122 Whipporwhill Kansas Steam Boat Co. steamboat 135 later Georgia Mae
C-5505 503916 Discovery Lewis & Clark Association Keel boat 38 135
C-5635 505710 Surveyor Dravo Corp. towboat 47 135
C-5690 507015 National Voyager National Marine Service towboat 134 135 later Coal Express
C-5988 509046 Ramrod Dravo Corp. towboat 67 135
C-6020 509439 Chouteau Holliday Sand & Gravel towboat 43 135
C-6587 271160 John James Massman Construction towboat 62 135
C-6842 518402 Pioneer Traylor Bros. Construction towboat 43 135
C-6964 520390 Pacer Universal Towing towboat 131 135 later Miss Laura
C-7061 520882 Gumbo Norman Brothers Co. towboat 27 135 later Golden Eagle
C-7140 529309 Fairfax Holliday Sand & Gravel towboat 68 135
529763 N.M.S. Fueler No. 1 National Maintenance tank barge 203 135
674780 JTR-402 J.T.R. Inc. tank barge 197 135 NLD
C-8690 545007 Normania Norman Brothers Co. towboat 225 135
539758 NI 3 Limited Leasing Co freight barge 231 135
539759 NI 4 Limited Leasing Co freight barge 231 135
539760 NI 5 Limited Leasing Co freight barge 231 135
C-9281-1 550811 CBL 201B Huffman Towing freight barge 724 135 NLD
C-9603-5 556163 Loveland #1958 Tug Leasing Corp freight barge 675 135
C-9610-3 557775 CBL 208 B Inland Waterways freight barge 724 135
C-9944-3 562060 CB-37B Bargeco Inc freight barge 724 135
C-9944-3 560174 S 12 B Trans Barge Inc freight barge 724 135
75-71 567407 Patriot Traylor Bros. Construction towboat 95 135
75-240 571246 Dundee Dundee Cement Co. towboat 95 135 later Sir Johnathan
75-350 612604 Marvin E. Norman Norman Brothers Co. towboat 410 135
80-471 620298 ING 4403 Ingram Barge Company freight barge 724 135
80-495 622771 T & H 53B T & H Barge Co freight barge 724 135
80-496 623579 GCA-203 B Blaske Marine Inc freight barge 724 135
80-511 622961 BR-2 Big River Barges Inc freight barge 866 135
80-512 622962 BR-3 Big River Barges Inc freight barge 866 135
80-515 622965 ING 5563 Ingram Barge Company freight barge 866 135
81-644A 637395 BR-1B Deer Creek Barge Inc freight barge 922 135
81-653A 640452 OR 6661 Ingram Barge Company freight barge 922 135
81-653B 641019 OR 6662 Ingram Barge Company freight barge 922 135
81-653C 641361 ING 4441 Ingram Barge Company freight barge 922 135
642708 DHL 7B Stl 227B Partnership freight barge 922 135
82-680B 643831 ACBL 4150 American Commercial Lines freight barge 922 135
82-680D 648467 ACBL 4135 American Commercial Lines freight barge 922 135
652448 Pin Oak Logsdon Tug Service towboat 81 135

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