General Engineering

Alameda CA

Barnes & Tibbitts was formed in 1916 by J. D. Barnes and W. G. Tibbitts, but Capt. Tibbitts bought out Mr. Barnes in 1922 and changed the name to General Engineering & Dry Dock Company. In 1928, they bought the Hanlon Dry Dock shipyard in Oakland and operated it as a repair yard. Both yards closed in 1948. The yard was on Clement Avenue, between Grand Street and Chestnut Street, where the Alameda Marina is now.

1000 ft
2000 ft
O/N Name Customer Type Tons Delivered Notes
1 225772 Golden State Golden Gate Ferry Co. ferry 780 June 1926 later Kehloken 1938, burned 1979
3 226605 Golden Bear Golden Gate Ferry Co. ferry 779 June 1927 wrecked 1937 and converted to barge
4 226687 Golden Poppy Golden Gate Ferry Co. ferry 779 June 1927 later Chetzemoka 1937, sank while under tow 1977
5 226767 Golden Shore Golden Gate Ferry Co. ferry 779 June 1927 later Elwha 1937, Silver Strand 1944, wrecked 1970
6 226599 Santa Rosa Northwestern Pacifc RR ferry 2,465 June 1927 later Enetai 1941, Santa Rosa again, Hornblower Cruise Line's HQ in S.F.
7 Pacific Portland Cement barge 1927
8 Pacific Portland Cement barge 1927
9 Pacific Portland Cement barge 1927
10 Pacific Portland Cement barge 1927
11 Pacific Portland Cement barge 1927
12 227249 Golden Age Golden Gate Ferry Co. ferry 779 Feb 1928 later Klahanie 1938, clubhouse 1975
16 227883 Catherine Paladina A. Paladina Inc. fishing boat 51 Aug 1928
17 State Harbor Commission dump scow Aug 1928
18 State Harbor Commission dump scow Aug 1928
19 Standard Oil Company tank barge 1928 to USN 1933 as YC-691
20 228167 Atillio Paladini A. Paladina Inc. fishing boat 35 1928
21 WPG-50 Itasca USCG D/E Cutter 2,075 12 Jul 1930 later HMS Gorleston 1941 (Y-92), returned 1946, scrapped 1950
22 WPG-51 Sebago USCG D/E Cutter 2,075 2 Sep 1930 later HMS Walney 1941 (Y-04), sunk by shore batteries at Oran 1942
23 WPG-52 Saranac USCG D/E Cutter 2,075 2 Oct 1930 later HMS Banff 1941 (Y-43), returned 1946, renamed Tampa, scrapped 1959
24 WPG-53 Shoshone USCG D/E Cutter 2,075 10 Jan 1931 later HMS Landguard 1941 (Y-56), scrapped 1950
25 Federal W.H. Wightman Quarantine Service boarding vessel 49 1931
26 Marshall C Harris American Dredging Co. dredge May 1932
27 barge Apr 1934
28 barge Apr 1934
29 State of California ferry Jan 1935
30 State of California ferry Jan 1935
31 Alaska Packers Assoc. barge June 1935
32 Alaska Packers Assoc. barge June 1935
33 Alaska Packers Assoc. barge May 1936
34 Alaska Packers Assoc. barge May 1936
35 Federal No. 25 USACE barge Oct 1936
36 Federal No. 26 USACE barge Oct 1936
38 San Francisco Bridge Co. derrick barge Oct 1939
39 AN-14 Buckhorn/Dogwood US Navy net layer 560 16 Sep 1941 ex YN-9, decommissioned 1946
40 AN-15 Ebony US Navy net layer 560 16 Sep 1941 ex YN-10, decommissioned 1946
41 AN-16 Eucalyptus US Navy net layer 560 9 Oct 1941 ex YN-11, decommissioned 1946
42 AN-17 Chinquapin/Fir US Navy net layer 560 29 Oct 1941 ex YN-11, decommissioned 1946
43 AM-62 Sheldrake US Navy minesweeper 1250 14 Oct 1942 reclassified as AGS-19 1952, struck 1971, scrapped 1971
44 AM-63 Skylark US Navy minesweeper 1250 12 Mar 1943 mined off Okinawa and lost 1945
45 AM-64 Starling US Navy minesweeper 1250 21 Dec 1942 to Mexico 1973 as Valentin Gomez Farias (C-79)
46 AM-65 Swallow US Navy minesweeper 1250 14 Jan 1943 kamikazied off the Ryukyu Islands and lost 1945
47 AM-100 Heed US Navy minesweeper 1250 27 Feb 1943 struck 1967
48 AM-101 Herald US Navy minesweeper 1250 23 Mar 1943 to Mexico 1973 as Mariano Matamoros, discarded
49 AM-102 Motive US Navy minesweeper 1250 17 Apr 1943 sunk as target 1968
50 AM-103 Oracle US Navy minesweeper 1250 14 May 1943 sunk as target 1967
51 AM-314 Champion US Navy minesweeper 1250 8 Sep 1943 intended to be HMS Akbar (BAM-1) but retained, to Mexico 1963 as Mariano Escobedo (C-72)
52 AM-315 Chief US Navy minesweeper 1250 9 Oct 1943 intended to be HMS Alice (BAM-2) but retained, to Mexico 1963 as Jesus Gonzalez Ortega (C-83)
53 AM-316 Competent US Navy minesweeper 1250 10 Nov 1943 intended to be HMS Amelia (BAM-3) but retained, to Mexico 1963 as Ponciano Arriaga (G-4), struck 1988
54 AM-317 Defense US Navy minesweeper 1250 10 Jan 1944 intended to be HMS Amity (BAM-4) but retained, to Mexico 1963 as Manuel Doblado (C-73)
55 AM-318 Devastator US Navy minesweeper 1250 12 Jan 1944 intended to be HMS Augusta (BAM-5) but retained, to Mexico 1963 as Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada (C-74)
56 AM-319 Gladiator US Navy minesweeper 1250 25 Feb 1944 intended to be HMS Blaze (BAM-6) but retained, to Mexico 1963 as Santos Degollado (C-75)
57 AM-320 Impeccable US Navy minesweeper 1250 24 Apr 1944 intended to be HMS Brutus (BAM-7) but retained, scrapped 1974
58 AM-340 Ardent US Navy minesweeper 1250 25 May 1944 intended to be HMS Buffalo (BAM-8) but retained, to Mexico 1963 as Juan N. Alvarez (C-77)
59 AM-283 Ransom US Navy minesweeper 850 5 Aug 1944 to Mexico 1962 as Teniente Juan de la Barrera (C-55)
60 AM-284 Rebel US Navy minesweeper 850 12 Sep 1944 to Mexico 1962 as Cadete Fernando Montes (C-57)
61 AM-285 Recruit US Navy minesweeper 850 8 Nov 1944 to Mexico 1962
62 AM-286 Reform US Navy minesweeper 850 28 Feb 1945 to China 1948, to Taiwan 1949, scrapped 1950
63 AM-287 Refresh US Navy minesweeper 850 10 Apr 1945 to China 1948 as Yung Chang, to Taiwan 1949, sunk off China 1965
64 AM-288 Reign US Navy minesweeper 850 10 May 1945 never commissioned, struck 1959
65 AM-289 Report US Navy minesweeper 850 12 Jul 1945 to Korea 1950 as Kojin (PCE-50), struck 1979
66 AM-290 Reproof US Navy minesweeper 998 1946 cancelled, completed as reefer Harcourt Malcolm, Cotton Bay 1954, Stratford 1960, Anastasio 1966
67 AM-291 Risk US Navy minesweeper 998 1947 cancelled, completed as reefer George Gamblin, Winding Bay 1953, Pinguino 1962
74 Federal Electra USACE power barge 1944 to Korea 1948

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