Garber Bros.

Berwick LA

Garber Bros. is a small operator of towboats and barges based at 5000 Bellview Front Street in Berwick. Before the industry downturn of the mid-1980s, they built most of their own towboats, but no more.

1000 ft
2000 ft
O/N Name Customer Type GT LOA Built Notes
1 569742 Roy G Garber Bros. towboat 83 51 1973 later Sea Mule
2 570752 Kristie G Garber Bros. towboat 83 51 1975 later Brave Eagle, Delta Deer
3 573738 Scot G Garber Bros. towboat 83 51 1976 later Sea Wolf
4 577002 Kenny G Garber Bros. towboat 83 51 1976 later Wild Eagle, Lil T
5 580946 Stephan G Garber Bros. towboat 83 51 1977 later Royal Eagle
6 585720 Charlie G Garber Bros. towboat 83 51 1977 later Bold Eagle
7 593148 Vernon G Garber Bros. towboat 83 51 1978 later Grand Eagle, Delta Mule, Eastern Dawn
9 614866 Rhonda G Garber Bros. towboat 91 51 1979 later Bay Eagle, Omni Warrior, Mr. Duck
10 629299 Miss Griff Garber Bros. towboat 91 51 1980 later Marsh Eagle, Delta Rooster, Delta Lady
11 640031 Richard G Garber Bros. towboat 131 55 1981 later Carex (Colombia)
Gotcha towboat 54 53 1985 (Colombia)
Alex towboat 34 50 1985 (Colombia)
Ronnie B towboat 147 64 1985 later Bahaire (Colombia)

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