Cape Cod Shipbuilding

Wareham MA

Cape Cod Shipbuilding was established in 1899, by Myron and Charles Gurney, as the Cape Cod Power Dory Co: the name was changed in 1919, when they moved to 7 Narrows Road. They were prolific builders of small boats who expanded for WWII and after the war were among the first yards to build fiberglass boats, buying the rights to build all Herreshoff's designs and, amazingly, increasing their output even above its wartime level. The company continues in business today: visit them at The table below lists only the yard's wartime output and some of the larger commercial and recreational boats that they built.

1000 ft
2000 ft
O/N Name Customer Type GT LOA Delivered Notes
211415 Latella freighter 5 24 1903
205238 Henry S. Rogers trawler 16 36 1907
217058 Picaroon pilot boat 11 36 1907
205894 Lucia passenger 11 28 1908
281409 Sayonara yacht 9 35 1908
220157 Marle B. II yacht 19 48 1910 later Good Ship Lolli Pop
215337 Alert passenger 47 57 1917
219549 Saltaire Village of Saltaire passenger 68 73 1919
232752 Halberd trawler 10 32 1926
225493 Lillian B trawler 14 39 1926
283010 Jude passenger 10 32 1926
226710 Nor'easter yacht 43 54 1927
260871 Lillian C trawler 15 40 1928
283590 Caroline yacht 12 35 1928
293727 Kim-Too yacht 13 33 1930
230896 Southern Cross trawler 23 45 1931
232358 Star Fire motor yacht 37 55 1932 later Bolo
261684 J-521 US Army passenger boat 13 40 1942 later p/v Margruss
J-522 US Army passenger boat 40 1942
253875 Barbara B trawler 11 40 1942 ex-J-522 ?
253592 J-523 US Army passenger boat 12 40 1942 later f/v Home Run, Yankee
J-524 to 526 US Army passenger boat 40 1943 3 boats
270646 J-527 US Army passenger boat 10 40 1943 later p/v King Fisher
J-528 to 533 US Army passenger boat 40 1943 6 boats
250419 J-534 US Army passenger boat 14 40 1943 later p/v Tole
252079 J-535 US Army passenger boat 10 40 1943 later f/v Dipsy Doodle
J-956 to 961 US Army passenger boat 40 1943 6 boats
J-1041 US Army passenger boat 40 1943
MTL-256 to 260 US Army harbor tugboat 46 1943 5 boats
MTL-537 to 539 US Army harbor tugboat 46 1943 3 boats
250138 MTL-540 US Army harbor tugboat 14 46 1943 later p/v Ronnie S
MTL-541 to 564 US Army harbor tugboat 46 1944 24 boats
250518 J-2143 US Army salvage boat 25 50 1945 later f/v Blue Fish II
253267 J-2144 US Army salvage boat 14 50 1945 later p/v Katharine P, Lone Ranger II
J-2145 to 2148 US Army salvage boat 50 1945 4 boats
249912 Judy J trawler 13 37 1945
249678 Kuno trawler 7 31 1946
278718 Susan trawler 7 31 1946
252147 Stan-Jo IV passenger 7 31 1947
257693 Bandar Shapur passenger 7 31 1949 Bandar Shahpur ?
501139 Erimus yacht 15 36 1965
512905 Vesta yacht 6 30 1965
546661 Mystere yacht 6 30 1973
596719 Synia yacht 14 36 1978
618454 Afterglow yacht 14 36 1980
648224 Mariah yacht 21 44 1982
929927 Temerity yacht 8 30 1983

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