Well, it's that time of year again, time to renew the web hosting. And for those of you that don't know, that has become a lot more expensive than it used to be. Fifty dollars a year is now several hundred. Not to mention the price of domain names has gone up ten-fold.

And I just found out that the nice folks at PayPal disabled all my Support buttons, and I never got a notice (although that may be my fault.) In any case, it is all working again now, so if you would like to make a small donation to help defray these costs, it would be greatly appreciated.

North Shore Marine Terminal

Escanaba MI

Basic Marine was established in 1979 by Basic Towing: while mainly employed building small barges for the Navy and the Corps of Engineers, it was also active in repair and as a marine terminal. At the end of 2014, it was restructured as North Shore Marine Terminal & Logistics, Inc. Visit the company at northshoremarineterminal.com.

1000 ft
2000 ft
O/N Name Customer Type GT LOA Built Notes
1 604162 Danicia K Danicia K Fisheries trawler 167 80 1979 later Legacy, Anne Kathryn
2 640054 MOI 100 Marmac LLC tank barge 54 180 1981 later OU 785
3 686151 Robert-Louis Ruleau Bros. trawler 99 80 1985
4 USACE gate barge 150
5 USACE barge 200
6 USACE barge 110
7 USACE barge 110
8 USACE barge 110
9 USACE barge 110
10 USACE barge 105
11 USACE spud barge 150
12-21 10 barges USACE Nabrico barge 160
22 USACE barge 110
23A1 964603 Island Hopper 4 Iguana Watersports barge 18 35 1990
23A2 964604 Island Hopper 5 Iguana Watersports barge 18 35 1990
23B1 964601 Island Hopper 2 Iguana Watersports barge 29 55 1990
23B2 964602 Island Hopper 3 Iguana Watersports barge 29 55 1990
24 Osage Beach sectional ferry 1990
25 USACE barge 110
26 USACE barge 110
27 USACE barge 110
28 USACE barge 110
29-78 50 units USACE
81 USACE stop log barge 135
83 YFN-1277 US Navy covered lighter 34 Oct 1993
82 YFN-1278 US Navy covered lighter 34 Oct 1993
83 YFN-1279 US Navy covered lighter 34 Mar 1994
84 YFN-1280 US Navy covered lighter 34 Mar 1994
85 YFN-1281 US Navy covered lighter 34 Mar 1994
86 YFN-1282 US Navy covered lighter 344 Mar 1994
87 YFN-1283 US Navy covered lighter 34 Mar 1994
88 YFN-1284 US Navy covered lighter 34 Mar 1994
89 USACE barge 151
90 USACE barge 151
91 USACE fuel oil barge 125
92 USACE fuel oil barge 125
93 1036099 sugar Islander II Eastern U.P. Transportation Auth. ferry 90 114 1995
94 USACE hopper barge 175
95 USACE hopper barge 175
96-103 8 barges USACE barge 150
104 USACE crane barge 150
105 1081746 BMI 105 Basic Marine Ro-Ro Spud barge 619 200 Feb 2000 later Roro
106 USACE cargo box barge 140 2000
107 USACE fuel oil barge 125 2000
108 1101330 Drummond Islander IV Eastern U.P. Transportation Auth ferry 97 148 2000
109 barge 90 USACE barge 110 June 2001
110 barge 92 USACE barge 110 June 2001
111 barge 93 USACE barge 108 June 2001
112 LD 781 USACE wash-down barge 140 72 Nov 2001
113 1880 USACE barge 190 120 July 2002
114 1881 USACE barge 190 120 July 2002
115 1882 USACE barge 190 120 July 2002
116 1138723 Colsac III Wisconsin DoT ferry 153 105 Dec 2003
117 Sturgeon U. S. G. S. research 180 101 July 2004
118 934 USACE barge 150 Dec 2004
119 Crane Barge No. 11 USACE crane barge 150 May 2006
120 2001 USACE maneuver boat 80 Dec 2006
121 2002 USACE maneuver boat 80 Dec 2006
122 YC-1669 US Navy open lighter 267 110 Jan 2006
123 YC-1670 US Navy open lighter 267 110 Jan 2006
124 YFN-1286 US Navy covered lighter 544 110 Feb 2006
125 YFN-1287 US Navy covered lighter 544 110 Feb 2006
126 YC-1671 US Navy open lighter 267 110 Jan 2006
127 935 USACE barge 120 July 2007
128 936 USACE barge 120 July 2007
129 937 USACE barge 120 July 2007
130 938 USACE barge 120 July 2007
131 939 USACE barge 120 July 2007
132 940 USACE barge 120 July 2007
133-157 660-684 USACE pipeline pontoons 48 July 2007 25 pontoons
158 YC-1672 US Navy open lighter 110 2007
159 YC-1673 US Navy open lighter 110 2007
160 USACE debris barge 50 2007
161 USACE rock barge 150 2007
162 USACE rock barge 150 2007
163 USACE CEMVK Anchor barge 60 2007
164-183 685-704 USACE pipeline pontoons 48 2007 20 pontoons
184 USACE barge 150 2009
185 YC-1674 US Navy covered lighter 267 110 Aug 2007
186 YC-1675 US Navy covered lighter 267 110 Aug 2007
187 705 USACE pipeline pontoon 48 2008
188 1220945 BMI 188 Basic Marine barge 487 144 2009
189 1221137 BMI 189 Basic Marine barge 487 144 2009
190 Basic Marine barge 200 2009
191 DB 768 USACE derrick barge 70 2009
192 1220970 BMI 192 Basic Marine Ro-Ro spud barge 1,075 220 2009
193-206 USACE deck barges 95 2011 14 barges
207 USACE crane barge 200 2011
208 USACE stop log barge 150 2011
209 1240283 BMI 209 Basic Marine barge 717 200 2012
210 Basic Marine barge 120 2012
211 Basic Marine barge 120 2012
212 Basic Marine barge 120 2012
213 Basic Marine barge 120 2012
214 Basic Marine barge 120 2012
215 Basic Marine barge 120 2012
216 1245594 Riverview Shoreline Marine passenger barge 96 75 2013
223 1253118 Cityview Shoreline Marine passenger barge 76 75 2014
226 1259079 Petroqueen Martin Gas & Oil tank barge 112 70 Sep 2015

Printed from shipbuildinghistory.njscuba.net