McKay Cormack

Victoria BC

McKay Cormack was formed by H. Malcolm McKay and Alan Cormack, reactivating the facility previously operated by Falconer Marine Industries (1942-1949) and, before that, by Armstrong Brothers (1908-1942). The shipyard was on Kingston Street, where the Coast Victoria Hotel and Marina is today.

1000 ft
2000 ft
O/N Name Customer Type GT LOA Built Notes
Built by Armstrong Brothers
171629 Milwin Canadian Coast Guard patrol boat 49 52 1939 later PML 15, ML 15, Blue Fjord, sank 2006
172103 New America Harold Manson fishing boat 13 34 1939 later HC-87, New America, burned 1962
172104 Phylgail Fred. Manning work boat 8 25 1940 later Jo-Mar, inactive 1977
172492 Barnston Island BC-Min. of Public Works work boat 10 31 1940 inactive 1967
172497 General Caldwell Canadian Army work boat 14 39 1941 later Humphrey VI, inactive 2002
173471 General Hertzberg Canadian Army work boat 18 39 1941 later Namu, inactive 2014
173780 Fisher Boy II John K. Homer fishing boat 15 39 1942 inactive
177553 Talapus Canadian Navy patrol boat 109 79 1942 later Parry
178828 Kuitan Canadian Navy patrol boat 94 79 1942 later Cape Bathurst, Kornat I
Built by Falconer Marine
177585 HPC-35 Canadian Navy Harbor Craft 14 45 1944 sold 1946 as Deerco, Valerie K II, Squamish Queen, Deerco, inactive 1996
178867 HPC-36 Canadian Navy Harbor Craft 14 45 1944 sold 1946 as Windrush, sold to US owners 1948
177612 HPC-37 Canadian Navy Harbor Craft 14 45 1944 sold 1946 as Rio III, burned 1946
322986 Lakewood (Z-63) Canadian Navy target Vessel 32 57 1944 sold 1966 as Lakewood, Discovery Princess
347982 Oakwood (Z-64) Canadian Navy target Vessel 32 57 1944 sold 1974 as Lochinvar, Curious, Oakwood
819454 Wildwood (Z-65) Canadian Navy target Vessel 32 57 1944 sold 1959 as Wildwood, Wildwood I
176753 Baldpate Canadian Air Force crash boat 15 37 1944 sold 1961, inactive 2011
193361 Vida II Higgs Ferries passenger 5 32 1945 inactive 2008
176654 Fisher Boy III John K. Homer fishing boat 14 39 1946 later San Marino, Kathy L , Little Stormer, idle 2019
176671 Invercan No. 5 Todd & Sons fishing boat 38 53 1946 later Prosperity, Adriatic Wind, Pacific Odyssey, Linnee
176679 Dunrone Alexander Paul recreational 5 25 1946 inactive 1977
177367 Nipentuck John K. Homer fishing boat 25 45 1946 inactive 2008
177369 Jeep recreational 5 25 1946 inactive 2010
177370 Thunderbird Seaview Holdings recreational 28 42 1946
177390 Messenger 3 Shanteyman's Assn. work boat 28 45 1946 later Messenger III
322979 Maria S Bernhard Larson fishing boat 7 32 1946 inactive 2008
178868 Tejos Walter S. Moore recreational 20 34 1947 later Pinafore II, inactive 2010
178877 Falcon Marina Claude Harrison recreational 5 25 1947 later Notyett, Davey Pearl, El Lucianne, inactive 2013
179086 Bay Falcon Geoffrey Simpson recreational 8 25 1947 later Gay Zone, Miss T Jane, inactive 2006
179405 Weald recreational 7 25 1947 later Lady Ann, inactive 2010
190131 Dawn IV Archie Kennedy recreational 7 25 1947 inactive 2007
Aspen BC-Forest Service work boat 5 25 1947
Elder BC-Forest Service work boat 5 25 1947
Juniper BC-Forest Service work boat 5 25 1947
Mountain Ash BC-Forest Service work boat 5 25 1947
Ow-Wahla BC-Forest Service work boat 5 25 1947
Poplar BC-Forest Service work boat 5 25 1947
Syringa BC-Forest Service work boat 5 25 1947
White Pine BC-Forest Service work boat 5 25 1947
Yew BC-Forest Service work boat 5 25 1947
179392 Manana Roosevelt S. Olson recreational 20 34 1948 later Athlone, inactive 2007
190625 Blue Fin II Richard A. Lipsey recreational 19 34 1948 later Temagami, Blue Fin V
Built by McKay Cormack
190678 Tichuk Lawrence A. Genge recreational 23 40 1949 later Seascape II, inactive 2011
192291 Sealeave II fishing boat 13 30 1950 inactive 2008
193330 Tzinquaw Hector C. Stone recreational 11 29 1951 inactive 2010
MP-79 Westview RCMP patrol boat 25 33 1953 sold 1970
MP-87 Nanaimo RCMP patrol boat 44 65 1957 sold 1973
MP-93 Masset RCMP patrol boat 44 65 1958 sold 1974 as Great Escape
MP-98 Alert RCMP patrol boat 44 65 1958 sold 1975
371190 Sossity James M. Shell recreational 48 62 1957
310289 M. J. Watson Canadian Explosives tugboat 5 27 1958
312263 Neepawa McKay-Cormack recreational 9 26 1959
312288 Lo-Isle Sydney J. Boatel fishing boat 11 33 1960
312855 Falcon Rock Fisheries & Oceans patrol boat 26 45 1960 later 1993-03, Falcon Rock
314009 Terry Wayne Gordon Edwards passenger 12 33 1961 later Albert Charlie
318638 Our-Own Frank E. Smith fishing boat 65 51 1962 inactive 2012
320210 Barbarossa Buford E. Haines fishing boat 25 41 1963 foundered off Lasqueli I. 1989
320069 Yukon Queen Yukon Queen Tours passenger 19 42 1964 later Scenic Queen
320073 Yukon Belle Yukon Queen Tours passenger 19 42 1964 later Scenic Belle, inactive 2010
320935 Kitandoh Min. of Transport work boat 12 32 1964 inactive 1979
322359 Surge Rock Fisheries & Oceans patrol boat 33 47 1964 later 1997-17, Pacific Surveyor, Surge Rock
325628 V.T. No. 164 Vancouver Towing barge 778 165 1965 later Seaspan 406
325678 V.T. No. 165 Vancouver Towing barge 778 165 1965 later Seaspan 407, W.M.S. 3
326494 V.T. No. 166 Vancouver Towing barge 778 165 1965 later Seaspan 408, West Island 408, inactive 2012
327100 Island Master Island Tug & barge tugboat 149 80 1967 later Seaspan Master, inactive 2012
327101 Island Chief Island Tug & barge tugboat 149 80 1967 later Seaspan Chief, sold foreign 2017
328897 Harbour Exodus Harbour Ferries cargo boat 66 80 1967 later Royal Chinook
328909 Island West No. 1 Island Tug & barge barge 1,166 132 1967 later P.P.S. Platform No.5
330605 Dogwood Princess BC-Ferries passenger 5 28 1969 inactive 2008
331270 V.T. No. 155 Vancouver Towing barge 1,686 266 1969 later Seaspan 190
CG-104 Bamfield Canadian Coast Guard SAR boat 22 44 1969 inactive 2001
CG-105 Tofino Canadian Coast Guard SAR boat 22 44 1969 sold 2007
CG-106 Bull Harbour Canadian Coast Guard SAR boat 22 44 1969 later Port Hardy, inactive 2004
346377 Dirigo II John R. Parrish fishing boat 9 31 1979 inactive 2008

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