Yard Tugs (pre-WWII)

(YT, YTB, YTM, YTL) Built or Acquired Before WWII

Yard tugs were initially called harbor tugs and later district harbor tugs. The designation YT was introduced in 1920 and tugs in service at that time were then assigned YT numbers, although not according to any system that I can see. Some of the smaller tugs built at Mare Island (#s 86 thru 101), were originally called Motor Tugs and later designated YMTs. In addition to the numbered tugs listed here, there must have been many more that were disposed-of before 1920, but documenting them must be a project for another year. Complicating this task further, many YTs were later reclassified as YTB-(Big), YTM-(Medium) or YTL-(Little): YTBs were supposed to be >800 hp, YTMs <800 but >400 hp and YTLs <400 hp. Some were reclassified more than once and the records of which were and which weren't are very confusing.

Name Originally Builder Location Customer B M L LDT Built Acquired Notes
Wahneta City Point IW Boston MA US Navy 192 1892 sold 1922
Iwana City Point IW Boston MA US Navy x 192 1892 sold 1946
Narkeeta City Point IW Boston MA US Navy 192 1892 sold 1926
Unadilla Mare Island NSY Vallejo CA 225 US Navy x 225 1895 sold 1947
Samoset Norfolk NSY Portsmouth VA US Navy x 225 1897 sold 1947
Penacook New York NSY Brooklyn NY US Navy x 230 1898 sold 1947
Pawtucket Mare Island NSY Vallejo CA 225 US Navy x 225 1898 scrapped 1947
Pentucket Boston NSY Charlestown MA US Navy 230 1904 scrapped 1947
Sotoyomo Mare Island NSY Vallejo CA 225 US Navy x 225 1904 scuttled 1946
Triton Douglas H. Thorne Dialogue & Son Camden NJ 287 Dougherty & Co. 212 1888 1889 sold 1930
Fortune Fortune Tetlow, James Boston MA 450 1865 1871 sold 1922
Powhatan Penwood Maryland Steel Sparrows Point MD 3 Foard Transportation 194 1892 1898 later Cayuga 1917, scrapped 1928
Hercules Hercules Dialogue & Son Camden NJ 281 P. Wright & Son 198 1888 1898 sold 1937, museum in San Francisco
Union Iron Works San Francisco CA 10 Spreckels Bros. 296 1888 1898 later Lively 1918, sold 1930, scrapped 1963
Massasoit A. W. Booth Neafie & Levy Philadelphia PA 909 Moran Towing 202 1898 1898 sold 1937
Modoc Enterprise Supple & Martin Portland OR American Towing 240 1890 1898 to NDRF 1947
Mohawk Thomas P. Fowler Marvel, T. S., & Co. Newburgh NY Cornell Steamboat x 368 1893 1898 sold 1948, reefed 1970
Accomac El Toro Newport News SB Newport News VA Southern Pacific RR x 187 1891 1898 later Nottoway 1918, sold 1946
Sioux P. H. Wise Neafie & Levy Philadelphia PA 849 155 1892 1898 later Nyack 1918, sold 1921
Pontiac Right Arm Maglehan, Peter Athens NY 401 1891 1898 later Passaic 1918, sold 1922
Pawnee John Dwight Rodermond & Co. Tompkins Cove NY George T. Moon 275 1896 1898 sold 1922
Rocket Rocket Pusey & Jones Wilmington DE 301 206 1899 1911 sold 1933
Tacoma Hortense Dialogue & Son Camden NJ 326 O'Connor & Smoot 130 1893 1898 later Sebago 1900, scrapped 1937
Tecumseh Edward Luckenbach Dialogue & Son Camden NJ 338 Luckenbach & Co. x 214 1896 1898 to NDRF 1946
Vigilant George W. Pride Cramp SB Philadelphia PA 232 Spreckels Bros. 300 1883 1898 sold 1928
Choctaw C. G. Coyle Neafie & Levy Philadelphia PA 857 W. G. Coyle 152 1892 1898 later Wicomico 1918, in collision and scrapped 1940
Wompatuk Atlas Harlan & Hollingsworth Wilmington DE 323 1886 1898 later YO-64 1941, scuttled 1942
Advance Advance Davis, M. M. Solomons MD 167 1912 1918 sold 1934
Barnett Barnett Dialogue & Son Camden NJ 438 Steel Towage & Wrecking 194 1911 1917 sold 1936 as Richard Simmons, Raymond Card 1941, scrapped 1948
Robert Rogers Brown, A. C. & Son Tottenville NY 179 1904 1917 later Bouker No. 2, acquired as SP-1275, sold 1922
Saco Alexander Brown Brown, A. C. & Son Tottenville NY Aransas Dock 119 1912 1918 acquired as SP-2725, sold 1927
Catawba Howard Greene Baltimore DD & SB Baltimore MD 85 x 147 1917 1918 sold 1946
Mendota Concord Hillman SB & E Philadelphia PA Staples Transportation 353 1898 1917 later Muscotah 1932, sold 1937
Dreadnaught Dreadnaught Union Iron Works San Francisco CA 171 Rolph Nav. 450 1918 1918 later YNG-21 1940, destroyed 1944
Nausett Carl R. Gray Chas Rhodes & Sons Baltimore MD 115 1918 1918 sold 1933
Francis B. Hackett Francis B. Hackett Johnston Bros. Ferrysburg MI x 290 1917 1917 later Shenandoah 1920, Choptank 1923, sold as Gloria St. Philip 1969, Choptank 1979, Admiral 1989, scrapped 2006
Yuma Asher J. Hudson Dialogue & Son Camden NJ 307 Alabama Coal Tpt. 136 1891 1918 sold 1921 as Marathon
John L. Lawrence John L. Lawrence Roach, John, & Sons New London CT Menhaden Products 150 1877 1917 sold 1921
Navigator Navigator Dialogue & Son Camden NJ 341 J. Needham x 470 1898 1917 to NDRF 1947
Nonpareil Nonpareil Palmer, Robert, & Sons Noank CT Merchants & Miners 167 1904 1917 sold 1921
Chase S. Osborn Chase S. Osborn Johnston Bros. Ferrysburg MI Frank Perry 492 1906 1918 sold 1921
Penobscot Dauntless Risdon Iron Works San Francisco CA Spreckles Bros. x 415 1904 1917 ex-Luckenbach No. 5, sold as Mary B, scrapped 1947
Pocomoke Pocomoke Brewster Bros. Baltimore MD Menhaden Products 139 1902 1917 returned to owner 1918
Underwriter Underwriter Dialogue & Son Camden NJ 214 N.O. Pilots 170 1881 1918 later Adirondack 1920, sold 1922
James Woolley James Woolley Lockwood Mfg. East Boston MA Commercial Tow Boat Co 92 1899 1918 struck 1936, scuttled 1963
Harbor Tug No. 46 Charleston NSY Charleston SC US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 47 Charleston NSY Charleston SC US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 48 New Orleans NSY New Orleans LA US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 49 New Orleans NSY New Orleans LA US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 50 New Orleans NSY New Orleans LA US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 51 Chance Marine Annapolis MD US Navy 215 1919 to USCG 1919 as Chincoteague, sold 1925
Harbor Tug No. 52 Chance Marine Annapolis MD US Navy 215 1919 to USCG 1919 as Choptank, sold 1925
Harbor Tug No. 53 Clayton SB Clayton NY US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 54 Clayton SB Clayton NY US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 55 Clayton SB Clayton NY US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 56 Eastern Shore SB Sharpstown MD US Navy 215 1919 to USCG 1919 as Chenango, sold 1924
Harbor Tug No. 57 Eastern Shore SB Sharpstown MD US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 58 US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 59 Milwaukee WI US Navy 215 1919 to USCG 1919 as Chautauqua, sold 1934
Harbor Tug No. 60 Milwaukee WI US Navy 215 1919 to USCG 1919 as Chippewa, sold 1935
Harbor Tug No. 61 Greenport Basin Greenport NY US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 62 Hiltebrant DD Kingston NY US Navy 215 1919 to USCG 1920 as Chattahoochee, sold 1924 as A. G. Laun
Harbor Tug No. 63 Hiltebrant DD Kingston NY US Navy 215 1919 sold 1922 as Claire A. Moran
Harbor Tug No. 64 Hiltebrant DD Kingston NY US Navy 215 1919 sold 1921 as National
Harbor Tug No. 65 Hiltebrant DD Kingston NY US Navy 215 1919 to USCG 1919 as Chicopee, sold 1935 as Harry M. Lee
Harbor Tug No. 66 Jacob, Robert City Island NY US Navy 215 1919 to USCG 1920 as Chulahoma, sold 1933 as Julia C. Moran
Harbor Tug No. 67 Jacob, Robert City Island NY US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 68 Jacob, Robert City Island NY US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 69 Jacob, Robert City Island NY US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 70 Jacob, Robert City Island NY US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 71 Luders Marine Stamford CT US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 72 Luders Marine Stamford CT US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 73 Luders Marine Stamford CT US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 74 Luders Marine Stamford CT US Navy 215 1919 sold as Margaret A. Moran
Harbor Tug No. 75 Mathis Yacht Camden NJ 92 US Navy 215 1919 to USCG 1919 as Chowan, sold 1924
Harbor Tug No. 76 Mathis Yacht Camden NJ 93 US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 77 New York Yacht Morris Heights NY US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 78 New York Yacht Morris Heights NY US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 79 New York Yacht Morris Heights NY US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 80 New York Yacht Morris Heights NY US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 81 New York Yacht Morris Heights NY US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 82 Vinyard SB Milford DE US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 83 Vinyard SB Milford DE US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 84 Wheeler SB Brooklyn NY US Navy 215 1919 sold in the 1920s
Harbor Tug No. 85 Wheeler SB Brooklyn NY US Navy 215 1919 to USCG 1920 as Chillicothe, sold 1925
Harbor Tug No. 86 Mare Island NSY Vallejo CA US Navy x 54 1919 to NDRF 1947
Harbor Tug No. 87 Mare Island NSY Vallejo CA US Navy x 54 1919 to NDRF 1947
Harbor Tug No. 88 Mare Island NSY Vallejo CA US Navy x 54 1919 to NDRF 1947
Harbor Tug No. 89 Mare Island NSY Vallejo CA US Navy x 54 1919 to NDRF 1947
Harbor Tug No. 90 Pearl Harbor NSY Honolulu HI US Navy x 54 1919 scrapped 1944
Harbor Tug No. 91 Mare Island NSY Vallejo CA US Navy x 54 1919 to NDRF 1947
Harbor Tug No. 92 Mare Island NSY Vallejo CA US Navy x 54 1919 to NDRF 1947
Harbor Tug No. 93 Mare Island NSY Vallejo CA US Navy x 54 1919 to NDRF 1947
Harbor Tug No. 94 Pearl Harbor NSY Honolulu HI US Navy x 54 1919 to NDRF 1947
Harbor Tug No. 95 Mare Island NSY Vallejo CA US Navy x 54 1919 to NDRF 1947
Harbor Tug No. 96 Mare Island NSY Vallejo CA US Navy x 54 1919 to NDRF 1947
Harbor Tug No. 97 Mare Island NSY Vallejo CA US Navy x 54 1919 later YH-1
Harbor Tug No. 98 Mare Island NSY Vallejo CA US Navy x 54 1919 to NDRF 1947
Harbor Tug No. 99 Mare Island NSY Vallejo CA US Navy x 54 1919 to NDRF 1947
Harbor Tug No. 100 Mare Island NSY Vallejo CA US Navy x 54 1919 later YH-2
Harbor Tug No. 101 Mare Island NSY Vallejo CA US Navy x 54 1919 later YH-3
Alida Alida Pusey & Jones Wilmington DE 323 79 1905 1912 sold 1921
Balanga Balanga 1898 captured at Cavite, struck 1921
Banaag Whampoa Dock Hong Kong, HK US Navy 125 1911 lost at Olongapo 1942
Barcelo Barcelo Chantier Normand Le Havre, France 100 1886 1898 captured at Cavite, sold 1922
Christine Whampoa Dock Hong Kong, HK US Navy 125 1902 later YFB-13, sold 1935
Iona Iona 1898 captured at Cavite, lost at Cavite 1942
Mercedes Mercedes 1898 captured at Cavite, scuttled 1942
Peoria Philadelphia Neafie & Levy Philadelphia PA 910 City of Philadelphia 487 1898 1898 sold 1922
Uncas Walter J. Luckenbach Dialogue & Son Camden NJ 310 Luckenbach SS 441 1893 1898 sold 1922 as Joseph D. Wood, Henry W. Card, Relief
Delaware Delaware Tull, E. James Pocomoke City MD Delaware Fish Oil Co. 242 1913 1917 sold 1935
Union Iron Works San Francisco CA x 270 1919 1925 struck 1947
Diligent Diligent Smith, Leathem D., SB Sturgeon Bay WI USSB 177 1919 1925 struck 1935
Choctaw Sampson Northwest Eng. Green Bay WI USSB 177 1919 1926 sold 1937 as St. George
Reindeer Reindeer Chance Marine Eastport MD USSB x 177 1920 1931 sold 1945
Vaga General Weeks Shanghai, China US Army 529 1910 1930 scuttled off Corregidor 1942
Harbor Tug No.117 Mare Island NSY Vallejo CA US Navy x 54 1932 to NDRF 1947
Harbor Tug No.118 SMB 3197 Mare Island NSY Vallejo CA US Navy x 54 1917 1932 to NDRF 1947
Geronimo Boston NSY Charlestown MA US Navy x 270 1933 sold 1948
Stallion Stallion Chance Marine Eastport MD USSB x 177 1920 1931 sold 1945
Arapaho Seattle Construction Seattle WA 79 US Navy 575 1914 sold 1937
Tillamook Seattle Construction Seattle WA 81 US Navy 575 1914 sold 1947
Wando Charleston NSY Charleston SC US Navy x 575 1917 ex-AT-17, sold 1947
Chemung Norfolk NSY Portsmouth VA US Navy 575 1917 scrapped 1937
Undaunted Undaunted Union Iron Works San Francisco CA 172 Rolph Nav. 833 1918 1918 to NDRF 1947
Challenge L. Luckenbach Dialogue & Son Camden NJ 296 Luckenbach SS x 346 1889 1918 ex-Defiance 1905, struck 1946
Patriot Patriot Defoe BW Bay City MI 89 USCG 210 1926 1936 YP-69 1938, to NDRF 1947
Powhatan Boston NSY Charlestown MA US Navy x 406 1938 scrapped 1972
Osceola Charleston NSY Charleston SC US Navy x 222 1938 scrapped 1973
Pearl Harbor NSY Honolulu HI US Navy x 1939 sold 1947
Massasoit Charleston NSY Charleston SC US Navy x 222 1939 scrapped 1973
Harbor Tug No. 132 Charleston NSY Charleston SC US Navy x 222 1938 to France 1944 as Monette
Narkeeta Mare Island NSY Vallejo CA US Navy x 250 1939 to NDRF 1947
Wahneta Mare Island NSY Vallejo CA US Navy x 250 1939 to NDRF 1947
Cahokia Bayside Providence Eng City Island NY USSB x 510 1920 1921 scrapped 1953
Tamaroa Bartolome Bethlehem Steel Elizabethport NJ 2134 USSB x 705 1919 1936 ex-USCG, sunk in collision 1947
J. M. Woodworth J. M. Woodworth Neafie & Levy Philadelphia PA 135 1903 1937 ex-USPHS, sold 1939

Printed from shipbuildinghistory.njscuba.net